When a scientist confesses to meeting the extraterrestrials0
- From Around the Web, UFO News
- December 6, 2019
Something remarkable happened this past weekend.
Something remarkable happened this past weekend.
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Surprise magnetic reversals and an unexpectedly fast rotating wind mark the first findings from NASA’s Parker Solar Probe.
An ancient and mysterious tomb has been shown from space in an image taken with NASA’s Terra satellite.
The Hera spacecraft will observe the effects of a NASA probe’s high-speed crash into an asteroid.
Our use of battery-operated devices and appliances has been increasing steadily, bringing with it the need for safe, efficient, and high-performing power sources.
When astronomers discovered the first exoplanet around a normal star 2 decades ago, there was joy—and bewilderment.
Stars and comets make unlikely dance partners. Their gravitational partnership is one that astronomers have long suspected but have never seen — until now. For the first time, a Polish group has identified two nearby stars that seem to have plucked up their icy partners, swinging them into orbits around our sun.
The exotic system provides a preview of our own solar system’s fate.
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