What if Earth were a super-Earth?0
- From Around the Web, Space
- February 11, 2020
What if Earth were more like its larger cousins?
What if Earth were more like its larger cousins?
For months, astronomers have been keeping a wary eye on Betelgeuse, the bright red star in Orion’s shoulder.
Scientists hope the telescope will capture the imagination like ‘science fiction’
A blast of radio waves from deep space appears to be on a 16-day cycle
NASA has contracted several companies to test a satellite-building robot in space.
A review of data taken over the course of the two-year Rosetta mission shows that comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko was sometimes reddish in appearance, while at other times it assumed a bluish hue. Sounds weird, but scientists have come up with a sensible explanation that doesn’t involve aliens with paint guns.
The red giant star engulfed its smaller stellar companion
“I feel like UFOs could be one of the greatest news stories of our time and I want a piece of it,” says New Hampshire-based reporter Daymond Steer.
Scientists have announced a breakthrough that could be key to the creation of a powerful new kind of particle collider.
The final batch of the reports is expected to be made public through a dedicated online portal.