Due to the Space inside Atoms, You Are Mostly Made up of Empty Space0
- From Around the Web, Science & Technology
- February 29, 2020
You might be made up of nothingness, but you still matter, according to science.
You might be made up of nothingness, but you still matter, according to science.
Molten silicate might solve a long-standing magnetic mystery
A NASA robot measuring quakes on Mars has detected a strange-yet-familiar sound on the Red Planet, which some Earthlings might recognize as similar to “The Hum.”
Mountainous areas of Tasmania saw ‘just enough to settle’, forecaster says
Hypergiant Industries has clients like NASA, Shell, and Booz Allen. It says it can use machine learning from satellite imagery to detect anomalies.
Scientists say red coloured snow reflects less sunlight and causes ice to melt faster
Eruption in black hole 390m light years away punched cavity the size of 15 Milky Ways
Want to look inside a deep, dark pit on Mars? The scientists and engineers from the NASA’s HiRISE Camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have done just that.
K2-18b is thought to host conditions that are suitable for life sustenance.
Source: KFI am 640 If you are a science nerd who is ever bored, NASA has a YouTube channel filled with videos that might tickle your fancy, and among them is a live feed from the International Space Station. Recently, the astronauts on the ISS were doing some routine maintenance on the station but as