Scientists develop AI that can turn brain activity into text0
- From Around the Web, Science & Technology
- March 31, 2020
Researchers in US tracked the neural data from people while they were speaking
Researchers in US tracked the neural data from people while they were speaking
Did you spot any strange lights in the Manitoba skies over the weekend?
Peacock spiders keep dancing their way into our hearts. They’re tiny, they’re colourful, they’re fluffy and they have killer moves.
The novel coronavirus sweeping the globe already jumped species, probably originating in bats and possibly infecting pangolins before hitting humans. Now primate scientists say they fear that the virus could pose a mortal threat to our closest living relatives — chimpanzees, gorillas and other great apes.
Mauro Morandi found serenity in solitude decades before self-isolation became the norm.
The US military’s newest branch has launched its first satellite, despite a short delay in the countdown.
The world has some good news to look forward to amid the novel coronavirus outbreak: a hole in the ozone layer is in recovery.
The presence of sulfur-rich organic compounds may help in the search for Martian biology.
NASA’s Voyager 2 probe flew through a blob of charged gas called a plasmoid decades ago, and scientists only just now realized it.
Volatiles may have once cracked Mercury’s surface.