NASA’s TESS exoplanet-hunting space telescope wraps up primary mission0
- From Around the Web, Space
- August 12, 2020
66 confirmed exoplanets, 2,100 candidates and the search goes on.
66 confirmed exoplanets, 2,100 candidates and the search goes on.
Researchers say the only way prey could be captured in this position is for the ant’s mouthparts to move in a direction “unlike that of all living ants”.
An amateur treasure-hunter has uncovered one of the most significant Bronze Age hoards ever found in Scotland, including jewelry and a 3,000-year-old sword, authorities said Monday.
I knew this was big
Ceres, believed to be a barren space rock, has an ‘extensive reservoir’ of brine beneath its surface, images show
The answer is hotly contested.
Most scientists thought it would be comet-shaped.
Okay, look at this from the perspective of an Occam’s razor enthusiast, wherein the simplest solution is equal measures zany and petrifying.
Today’s humans carry the genes of an ancient, unknown ancestor, left there by hominin species intermingling perhaps a million years ago.
A new study that monitored the subtle movements of huge ripples of sand on the Martian surface suggests that Mars may actually be windier than researchers thought.