An ancient retrovirus has been found in human DNA – and it might still be active0
- Earth Mysteries, From Around the Web
- April 8, 2016
The ‘Loch Ness Monster’ of the human genome
The ‘Loch Ness Monster’ of the human genome
“An undiscovered planet outside the orbit of Neptune, 10 times the mass of Earth, would affect the orbit of Saturn, not Cassini.”
“The latest NIAC selections include a number of concepts for planetary and robotic exploration.”
It’s a busy day up in space.
“You wouldn’t happen to know what this bright orange square we are flying over is, would ya?”
CNN’s Jake Tapper pulled aside Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, who was a guest on “The Lead,” to talk aliens.
Space rocket or comet? …What do you say?
Pluto’s unusual spider-like feature consists of at least six extensional fractures that converge to a point.
Researchers have developed one of the first complete systems to store digital data in DNA
Surprise discovery of 17-billion-solar-mass black hole in sparse area of local universe