Larger Minority in U.S. Says Some UFOs Are Alien Spacecraft0
- From Around the Web, UFO News
- August 27, 2021
View that some UFOs are alien spacecraft is up eight points since 2019
View that some UFOs are alien spacecraft is up eight points since 2019
Our solar system is home to some unusual places we could potentially migrate to if Earth were to die.
But first, a holiday while Mars is on the other side of the Sun
No hate to the Greek philosopher, but he wasn’t the first to use Pythagorean triples.
The recent detection of 2I/Borisov, the first known interstellar comet to visit our Solar System, implies that interstellar objects outnumber the non-interstellar ones in the Oort Cloud, whereas the reverse is true near the Sun due to the stronger gravitational focusing of bound objects, according to a new paper authored by Harvard & Smithsonian’s Center for Astrophysics astronomers Amir Siraj and Avi Loeb.
A new book tells the history of George Gamow, Fred Hoyle and the origin of the universe
The newly-discovered asteroid 2021 PH27 has a diameter of about 1 km (3,280 feet) and orbits the Sun in just 113 days — the shortest known orbital period for an asteroid and second shortest for any object in our Solar System after Mercury.
Researchers have managed to pack the same amount of voltage found in a AAA battery cell into a microsupercapacitor as small as a speck of dust. This is the first time such an achievement has been reported, paving the way for tiny energy storage systems that can be safely embedded in the human body for biomedical gadgets and treatments.
Two separate planes reported seeing a strange green UFO over the Gulf of Saint Lawrence in Canada.
The motions of nearby stars reveal the boundary between red dwarfs and brown dwarfs