Krishna Butter Ball: 250 Ton Boulder that Defies the Laws of Physics0
- Earth Mysteries, From Around the Web
- July 22, 2016
This giant boulder is one of the town Kancheepuram’s tourist attractions, as it seems to defy the laws of physics.
The Aleya Ghost Lights are officially a global phenomenon…well, almost. These strange lights were known to suddenly appear to travelers passing through marshy wetlands and just float around on air.
Bigfoot research is often the domain of amateur enthusiasts. But some highly educated scientists in relevant fields, such as primatology and anthropology, have expressed beliefs that Bigfoot exists or at least that he may exist and that this possibility should be taken seriously.
A sculpted scale model of what, to modern eyes, looks like a cone-nosed rocket-ship… Powered by a cluster of four exhaust engines in the back surrounding a larger exhaust engine, the rocket-ship has room for a sole pilot—actually shown and included in the sculpture.
The mummy of Maiherpri is so well preserved that it almost looks like he is in a peaceful sleep. He was buried in the Valley of the Kings, but his life is full of secrets.
One full year of Earth, captured in a timelaps of pictures as NOAA’s DSCOVER hovers above.
Alien worlds orbiting within the habitable zones of small red dwarf stars may become truly habitable if their atmospheric circulation balances the temperature extremes.
NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity is now selecting rock targets for its laser spectrometer — the first time autonomous target selection is available for an instrument of this kind on any robotic planetary mission.
Disclosure story from Russia 2010 worthy of reposting
“Rockefeller Initiative”