UFOs, the Clintons, and Disclosure0
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- September 9, 2016
“When I heard John Podesta say; ‘Ask Hillay about the aliens’ I knew that he poled it and this was no longer a toxic issue.”
This could be one of the most incredible images ever taken on the surface of the red planet. Look closely at the image and what’s the first thing you think of? Doesn’t that thing in the image look like a dome on Mars?
The site was discovered in 2012 by quarry workers after carrying out a blasting operation. When they spotted the presence of a great many fossil remains in the clay that filled the cave, they halted the works and contacted Prof Alvaro Arrizabalaga of the Department of Geography, Prehistory and Archaeology.
Alien life would most likely be discovered deep in the oceans of water planets, studies suggest.
Much has been said about Rh negative blood and theories which suggest, there is an enigmatic truth sealed away from public knowledge linking humans with Rh negative blood to otherworldly origins.
It is entirely possible that Planet 9 could have come from our own solar system, instead of it being captured from another solar system.
EMN is reaching out to our vast audience of experts to determine what the light source is?
The discovery of two massive holes punched through a stream of stars could help answer questions about the nature of dark matter, the mysterious substance holding galaxies together.