Resonance in the Baltic Sea Monument2
- Ancient Archeology, From Around the Web
- September 19, 2016
The Baltic Sea Object is an Atlantean Monument Cast in Magnetic Basalt ‘Firestone’
The Baltic Sea Object is an Atlantean Monument Cast in Magnetic Basalt ‘Firestone’
The spacefaring nations of the world are competing with private companies to build an economy in orbit, colonize the moon, and exploit resources from passing asteroids, but to reach other planets something more is needed.
Seventy-five years ago next week, a massive geomagnetic storm disrupted electrical power, interrupted radio broadcasts, and illuminated the night sky in a World War II battle theater.
A very strange sight to see up in the sky one morning, as a dark ray splits through the sky.
A Tennessee witness at Nashville had recorded a UFO in the sky that he described as ‘an orange line’.
One of the 86 tortoise shells found in the burial shows how close she was to nature and probably a leader and chief of the tribe long before anyone ever heard of the twelve tribes of Israel.
Archaeologists at Turkey’s neolithic site of Çatalhöyük in central Anatolia have unearthed a “unique” complete female figurine, The Ministry of Culture and Tourism said on Tuesday.
Three generations of mice have already been created using the technique and are fit and healthy and now researchers are planning to test out the theory using skin cells.
Even in modern times we are fascinated by crystals – from the diamonds we use as a sacred symbol of partnership, to the plethora of ‘healing’ gems that can be found in a New Age gift shop. So we can only imagine how ancient people viewed these transparent rocks with hidden structure.