New York witness photographs hovering cigar UFO0
- From Around the Web, UFO News
- September 29, 2016
A New York witness at Colonie had spotted three cigar shaped UFOs above the clouds, and managed to get plenty of picture of them.
A New York witness at Colonie had spotted three cigar shaped UFOs above the clouds, and managed to get plenty of picture of them.
As predicted, a high-speed stream of solar wind is buffeting Earth’s magnetic field.
It’s a case of pulsar ping-pong. Repeating radio bursts from space may be the result of pulsars colliding with asteroids in faraway stellar systems.
Take a Walk on the Dark Side is the ultimate event for today’s rock and roll fan: RocK historian/investigator and best-selling author, R. Gary Patterson presents a spellbinding compendium of facts, fictions, prophecies, premonitions, coincidences, hoaxes, doomsday scenarios, and other urban legends about some of the world’s most beloved and mysterious pop icons.
An image of the Hyperboreae Undae was taken by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laporatory, showing us a very interesting, almost scale-like image.
NASA-funded sounding rocket solves one cosmic mystery, reveals another
NASA plans to have a submarine called the Kraken Mare to be deployed in the oceans of the moon Titan.
If you’ve been living under a rock, one of the biggest fiascos to rock the fortean world happened in Mexico City on Cinco de Mayo. Jaime Maussan, the man behind the program beWITNESS, revealed the so-called Roswell Slides to the world.
“The big issue over the next 5 to 10 years is going to become how far do we go in pursuit of the perfect baby,”
Though ancient cultures often saw comets as harbingers of doom, the cosmic “dirty snowballs” are now viewed as important objects that could help scientists learn more about the early evolution of the solar system.