Transparent, gel-based robots can catch and release live fish0
- From Around the Web, Science & Technology
- February 7, 2017
Made from hydrogel, robots may one day assist in surgical operations, evade underwater detection.
Made from hydrogel, robots may one day assist in surgical operations, evade underwater detection.
Researchers have discovered the earliest known ancestor of humans – along with a vast range of other species.
The story of the Blue Beings visiting the UFO conference has made the rounds of UFO talk radio and the experiencer underground.
Dr Tom Harvey from the Department of Geology, University of Leicester, together with Professor Nicholas Butterfield, University of Cambridge, discovered the new species while conducting a survey of microfossils in mudstones from western Canada.
Where is everybody? Are we really alone out here, or are aliens avoiding us?
It is a common misperception that scientists are not interested in UFOs or claims of alien contact. Scientists have actually been leading proponents of research into these areas, and three will be presenting their findings later this month at the International UFO Congress, the Guinness World Record holding largest UFO convention.
Creepy footage showing ‘a fleet of UFOs’ hovering over the border between the USA and Mexico has mysteriously disappeared from the internet.
A UK, Canadian and Italian study has provided what researchers believe is the first observational evidence that our universe could be a vast and complex hologram.
Mysterious dome ‘building’ may have been created by an ancient civilisation, bizarre theory claims
Trillions of neutrinos, or ghost particles, are passing through us every second. While scientists know this fact, they don’t know what role neutrinos play in the universe because they are devilishly hard to measure.