Ancient Romans depicted Huns as barbarians. Their bones tell a different story.0
- Ancient Archeology, From Around the Web
- March 28, 2017
To hear the Romans tell it, the arrival of Huns at the empire’s border was an unmitigated catastrophe.
To hear the Romans tell it, the arrival of Huns at the empire’s border was an unmitigated catastrophe.
Workers in wholesale and retail sectors at highest risk from breakthroughs in robotics and artificial intelligence, PwC report finds
Astronomers have found evidence of a star that whips around a likely black hole twice an hour. This could be the tightest orbital dance ever seen by a black hole and a companion star in our own Milky Way galaxy.
‘I thought no one would take me’, the cosmologist and physicist said
Was North America once inhabited by a race of giants? According to an old legend supported by several challenging archaeological finds, it is possible.
A team of scientists has discovered that a law controlling the bizarre behavior of black holes out in space — is also true for cold helium atoms that can be studied in laboratories.
Artificial meat firm now racing to drive down costs with an eye on consumer sales by 2021
The rusty patched bumblebee is the first native bee to become an endangered species in the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officials have stated they do not know what caused the decline, but the species is on the brink of extinction.
The incident was filmed on December 1 in Arizona, USA, and has triggered speculation online
Around the same time that the dinosaurs became extinct on Earth, a volcano on Mars went dormant, NASA researchers have learned.