UFO Headline News Aug. 3, 20170
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- August 10, 2017
UFO Headline News Aug. 3, 2017
The youngster receives a letter after responding to an advert for the role of planetary protection officer.
A new chapter in antimatter research.
A tiny device that sits on the skin and uses an electric field to reprogramme cells could be a breakthrough in the way we treat injured or ageing tissue
RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin could be the man to make world history by announcing intelligent aliens exist and have visited Earth, a “truth” campaigner believes.
When the full Moon rose over Europe last night, it wasn’t its usual self. The normally bright lunar disk was dipped in shadow–a lunar eclipse.
‘I thought I was going to be killed’: Rob Lowe
The full Moon is bright. So are Perseid fireballs. On Aug. 7th, a NASA meteor camera at the Kitt Peak National Observatory caught this Perseid meteoroid disintegrating over Arizona, easily visible in glaring moonlight.
THESE images which appear to show a “Bigfoot-type creature” have been confirmed by officials as showing a large ape.