UFO Headline News Dec. 5, 20170
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- December 6, 2017
UFO Headline News Dec. 5, 2017
100 years ago this weekend, a meteorite ended its 4.5 billion-year journey through space when it blazed across the skies and crashed into the Strathmore countryside. Michael Alexander learned about a fragment now housed in Dundee.
How could people living during the Bronze Age pull off the difficult process of making iron?
Students are part of a drill that tests astronomers’ ability to respond to a highly unlikely — but not impossible — scenario: an asteroid on course to collide with Earth.
The oldest known copy of a text claiming to be Jesus’ teachings to his brother James has been discovered in an ancient Egyptian trash dump, scattered among piles of fifth-century papyrus, ancient tax receipts and bills of sale for wagons and donkeys.
The parent asteroid of December’s Geminid meteor shower, 3200 Phaethon, is about to make a historically close flyby. Get ready to watch it race across the sky.
Three times further away from the sun than the Earth lies an enormous lump of metal. Around 252km in diameter, the metallic “M-class” asteroid 16 Psyche is the target of NASA’s next mission to the belt of giant rocks that encircles the inner solar system. And the space agency now plans to visit it much sooner than originally planned.
When it comes to scientifically mysterious concepts that begin with the word “dark,” dark matter attracts most of the public attention.
The video below is showings UFOs over a forest in Dordogne, France.