US archaeologists discover two ‘extraordinary’ ancient royal tombs in Greece hidden for thousands of years0
- Ancient Archeology, From Around the Web
- December 20, 2019
It’s been 50 years since such a discovery was made, the researchers said.
It’s been 50 years since such a discovery was made, the researchers said.
A huge asteroid will sail past the Earth on Friday—one of six close approaches set to take place this week, according to NASA.
Our planet is restless, and its poles are wandering.
Source: Science Alert Even before the Chicxulub asteroid hit Earth 66 million years ago, dinosaurs and other life forms were dealing with toxic mercury levels, a new study suggests. The fresh evidence serves up even more contention in a “long-running and bitter” debate over how the dinosaurs died all those years ago. While some scientists
Nasa has revealed its final plans to land a probe on a huge space rock nicknamed the ‘apocalypse asteroid’.
Carbonodraco lundi, which lived more than 306 million years ago, unseats fossil found by P.E.I. boy
Using data from NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and multiple ground-based telescopes, astronomers have discovered an ultra-short-period exoplanet orbiting a red dwarf star called Gliese 1252.
Chewed birch pitch could be an overlooked source of ancient genetic material, researchers say
The Brown University researchers used a brain-computer interface to reconstruct neural signals into English words.
Is it climate change, pollution, an unknown disease? A dedicated few are trying to crack the mystery.