Why did nearly a million king penguins vanish without a trace?0
- Earth Mysteries, From Around the Web
- March 26, 2020
Where on Earth, wondered Henri Weimerskirch, were all the penguins?
Where on Earth, wondered Henri Weimerskirch, were all the penguins?
The purpose of such an elaborate structure remains a big open question
NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity captured a stunning new selfie on February 26, 2020 (the 2687th Martian day, or sol, of the mission).
The subatomic particles may already solve two important puzzles of particle physics
Time has a precise direction.
Although the world is in a serious health crisis with the COVID-19 pandemic, March 20, for some people, commemorates another type of crisis entirely — although it’s one more frequently seen in science fiction.
The most energetic objects in the universe may be stopping the biggest galaxies from growing bigger.
Sasquatch. Bigfoot. Yeti. There are many monikers for the large and mysterious upright bi-pedal mammal that has allegedly roamed the world’s forests for hundreds of years. A long-told legend in many cultures: sightings of the creature have been reported from the Himalayas to the woods of Central Oregon. Although no definitive proof exists, reports of human encounters keep piling up.
In 2011, NASA’s MESSENGER orbiter detected signals typical of glacial ice near the poles on Mercury. The ice was dingy and lurked in permanent shadows in numerous polar craters. According to new research led by Georgia Institute of Technology researchers, the extreme heat on Mercury, where daytime temperatures reach 400 degrees Celsius (750 degrees Fahrenheit), helps make some of that ice.
Ikaria wariootia is half the size of a grain of rice and an early example of a bilateral organism