Mysterious ‘Fermi Bubbles’ may be the result of black hole indigestion 6 million years ago0
- From Around the Web, Space
- May 28, 2020
A black hole burp filled the Milky Way’s center with mysterious invisible structures, a new study suggests.
A black hole burp filled the Milky Way’s center with mysterious invisible structures, a new study suggests.
Blasts differ from ‘ordinary’ supernovae, gamma-ray bursts
Dormant “zombie fires” scattered across the Arctic region — remnants of record blazes last year — may be coming to life after an unusually warm and dry spring, scientists warned Wednesday.
Roughly half of the “normal” matter in the universe—the stuff that makes up stars, planets, and even us—exists as mere wisps of material floating in intergalactic space, according to cosmologists. But astronomers had no good way to confirm that, until now.
A long-standing weak spot in Earth’s magnetic field is getting weirder, and it may be splitting into two distinct zones of weakness.
It will be the first time Americans will launch from American soil since 2011.
If true, this would be only the second time such a neutrino has been traced back to its source
A YouTuber shared a video last week in which he claimed that a shape-shifting UFO has been spotted in the Colombian sky. Later the same video was shared by a prominent conspiracy theorist Scott C Waring.
When the US Department of Defense released three declassified videos of “unexplained aerial phenomena” at the end of April, the Pentagon said it wanted to “clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real”.
A Duke University research team has found a small area of the brain in mice that can profoundly control the animals’ sense of pain.