Asteroid the size of a car has near-miss with Earth!0
- From Around the Web, Space
- August 19, 2020
Earth has had a near miss with a car-sized asteroid that wasn’t spotted by Nasa.
Earth has had a near miss with a car-sized asteroid that wasn’t spotted by Nasa.
Alexandros of Antioch sculpted Venus de Milo, Leonardo da Vinci had Mona Lisa and, now, Ken Walker has his masterpiece, Patty the Sasquatch.
If you’re a fan of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and alien visitation, this is manna from heaven.
We humans are doing a bang-up job of messing up our home planet. But who’s to say we can’t go on to screw things up elsewhere? Here, not listed in any particular order, are 12 unintentional ways we could do some serious damage to our Solar System, too.
A red flaming cone trailing a gaseous green mist appeared in the sky over Clinton County Air Base between 7:20 and 8:55 p.m. on January 7, 1948. At least, that’s what observers told the All Weather Flying Center, a subdivision of the airbase, for their press release. This was the second report of the UFO sighting that day.
Decades of exploration have given us a detailed look at the surface of Mars. Still, the Red Planet’s interior structure has always remained in the realm of speculation and estimates. Now, data sent back by a NASA lander has given us the first real look at what the planet’s interior is like.
It’s the stuff of UFO enthusiasts’ dreams — or conspiracy theorists’ nightmares.
Face pareidolia is the phenomenon of seeing face-like structures in everyday objects. It is a very human condition that relates to how our brains are wired. According to new research published in the journal Psychological Science, we process ‘pareidolia faces’ using the same visual mechanisms of the brain that we do for real ones.
According to a Science News report, archaeologist Lyn Wadley of the University of the Witwatersrand and her colleagues have dated bedding in South Africa’s Border Cave to 200,000 years ago.
GOP State Rep. Jonathan Stickland was mocked after suggesting that aliens would have to accept Jesus Christ as their savior if they wanted to visit heaven.