Scientists identify rain of molten iron on distant exoplanet0
- From Around the Web, Space
- March 12, 2020
Conditions on Wasp-76b in Pisces include temperatures of 2,400C and 10,000mph winds
Conditions on Wasp-76b in Pisces include temperatures of 2,400C and 10,000mph winds
The official verdict is in. As the red supergiant Betelgeuse once again returns to normal brightness levels, astronomers have taken the star’s temperature to identify the cause of its recent dimming.
Asteroid 1998 OR2 is the biggest space rock expected to fly past Earth this year, and even amateurs can catch it in the sky.
Process that leads three-dimensional cultures to form in low-gravity is still not understood
A star that pulsates on just one side has been discovered in the Milky Way about 1500 light years from Earth. It is the first of its kind to be found and scientists expect to find many more similar systems as technology to listen inside the beating hearts of stars improves.
They used a NASA asteroid probe to do it.
Three teams of astronomers have been fascinated by an alien world known as K2-18b. But what’s all the fuss about?
A spontaneous hole in the fabric of reality could theoretically end the universe, but don’t worry: physicists are studying the idea for what it can teach us about the cosmos.
The crater is located in the Terra Sabaea region of Mars.
There’s a lot of energy there for organisms to tap.