Prometheus Popping0
- From Around the Web, Space
- December 31, 2016
Saturn’s potato-shaped moon Prometheus is shown in this close-up from Cassini.
Saturn’s potato-shaped moon Prometheus is shown in this close-up from Cassini.
NASA to launch the robotic portion of its Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM) in 2021. This will be the first mission to visit and collect a multi-ton sample from a large near-Earth asteroid. The collected sample will be used in a demonstration of enhanced gravity tractor asteroid deflection.
Russia’s state-run corporation Roscosmos develops a project of a space cleaner – a satellite that will be able to “blow away” space junk.
The countdown for the end of the year 2016 is going to be one second longer, thanks to a “leap second” that will be added on to the end of it, according to Science Alert.
NASA’s NEOWISE mission has recently discovered some celestial objects traveling through our neighborhood, including one on the blurry line between asteroid and comet. Another—definitely a comet—might be seen with binoculars through next week.
NASA is reporting that on New Year’s Eve, comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova is going to be visible from locations in the Northern Hemisphere, including New York City and London.
Scientists are making preparations to send a transmission to Proxima b – the closest Earth-like exoplanet to our Solar System.
China vowed Tuesday to speed up the development of its space industry as it set out its plans to become the first country to soft land a probe on the far side of the moon, around 2018, and launch its first Mars probe by 2020.
According to physicists, it will be a long time before gravitons are considered part of the established subatomic pantheon.
The universe is suspected to be loosing its mass ever since the big bang.