Our sun might have been born with an evil twin called ‘Nemesis’0
- From Around the Web, Space
- June 16, 2017
The family isn’t close.
The family isn’t close.
Smithsonian astrophysicist Martin Elvis would like to see astronomers take on a crucial role for future asteroid mining: as astronomical prospectors scoping out the next big catch.
Jupiter may have been a very early bloomer, gaining significant mass within the first million years of the solar system’s birth, according to a new analysis of meteorite fragments.
Enceladus, an icy moon of Saturn that could host life, may have tipped over long ago.
The risk is growing that Earth will be hit by an asteroid from a meteor stream known as the Taurids, Czech astronomers said on Tuesday.
Scientists have discovered black holes may be doing more damage to their surroundings than originally thought.
Observations suggest that black holes swallow doomed stars whole, increasing the mystery surrounding these celestial monsters
Scientists on the lookout for subtle disturbances in the fabric of space-time have detected the signal from a cataclysmic collision between two black holes that lie some 3 billion light-years away, much farther two previous discoveries.
A new study may help reveal the nature of dark energy, the mysterious substance that is pushing the universe to expand outward. Dark energy may emerge from fluctuations in the nothingness of empty space, a new hypothesis suggests.
Scientists have found a hellish world where the “surface” of the planet is over 4,000C – almost as hot as our Sun.