A star orbiting a black hole shows Einstein got gravity right — again0
- From Around the Web, Space
- August 1, 2018
It’s the first time an effect of general relativity has been observed in such an environment
It’s the first time an effect of general relativity has been observed in such an environment
By examining microscopic ice-blue crystals of mineral hibonite trapped inside a carbonaceous chondrite meteorite, an international team of scientists was able to figure out what the Sun was like before the Earth formed.
A mesmerising – and alarming – new animation from NASA demonstrates just how dramatic the increase in near-Earth asteroids entering our Solar System has become over the last 20 years.
Once an asteroid has been identified, how do we know if it’s a threat?
Not ideal.
For centuries, humans have extracted minerals from the Earth with reckless abandon, but it’s only a matter of time before our desire for gold, platinum, iron, tungsten, and other useful ores will exceed our planet’s ability to provide them.
Jupiter’s moon Europa is one of the most compelling targets in the search for life beyond Earth. However, its water-ice surface is affected by the harsh radiation environment of Jupiter’s magnetosphere. New mapping of the radiation pummeling the icy moon reveals where astrobiologists should look when searching for signs of biosignatures.
It turns out, exoplanets can be as sweet as a trip to the state fair.
There may have been two windows of habitability for the Moon, according to new research by University of London’s Professor Ian Crawford and Dr. Dirk Schulze-Makuch of Washington State University.
The Opportunity rover on Mars is trying to survive a massive dust storm that could put the craft out of operation — but where does all the dust in that storm come from?