Why Are So Many UFOs Seen Near U.S. Military Bases?0
- From Around the Web, Science & Technology, UFO News
- February 26, 2020
They are military aircraft.
They are military aircraft.
This is a huge step in quantum physics.
Tiny ‘xenobots’ assembled from cells promise advances from drug delivery to toxic waste clean-up
A team of scientists at Leiden University in the Netherlands developed a neural network — called “Hazardous Object Identifier” — that they claim predicts asteroid collisions with Earth.
Scientists have announced a breakthrough that could be key to the creation of a powerful new kind of particle collider.
These supremely stable particles could explain dark matter.
Physicists have now cooled beams of the subatomic particles
Physicists will try to observe quantum properties of superposition—existing in two states at once—on a larger object than ever before
In physics, there are very different types of particles: Elementary particles are the fundamental building blocks of matter. Other particles, such as atoms, are bound states consisting of several smaller constituents. And then there are so-called “quasi-particles”—excitations in a system that consists of many particles, which in many ways behave just like a particle themselves.
Evolution is an ongoing process, although many don’t realize people are still evolving.