This tiny satellite could be your own personal spacecraft from just $1,0000
- From Around the Web, Science & Technology, Space
- April 11, 2016
Space exploration can be within reach of pretty much anybody!
Space exploration can be within reach of pretty much anybody!
“You have to begin to lose your memory, if only bits and pieces, to realize that memory is what makes our lives. Life without memory is no life at all.” — Luis Buñuel Portolés, Filmmaker
“The latest NIAC selections include a number of concepts for planetary and robotic exploration.”
Researchers have developed one of the first complete systems to store digital data in DNA
“With this remarkable lens, patients would have perfect vision, ending the need for driving glasses, progressive lenses, and contacts, all of which are set to become a dim memory as the eye-care industry is transformed.”
Can robots help us understand the behavior of insects and other small creatures?
China’s Shijian-10, the second of four scientific space missions, carries a collection of microgravity experiments.
This thrust-to-weight ratio is about 9 times that of the Space Shuttle main engine!
Bohr and Schrödinger, the founders of quantum physics, were avid readers of the Vedic texts and observed that their experiments in quantum physics were consistent with what they had read in the Vedas.
Recent studies have estimated that the gorilla and human evolutionary lineages split about 12 million to 8.5 million years ago