The never-ending search for UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence0
- From Around the Web, UFO News
- September 4, 2017
J. Allen Hynek was hired as an Air Force astronomer to debunk the myth of UFOs but later on became a UFO believer.
J. Allen Hynek was hired as an Air Force astronomer to debunk the myth of UFOs but later on became a UFO believer.
The Seven Sisters, as they were known to the ancient Greeks, are now known to modern astronomers as the Pleiades star cluster – a set of stars which are visible to the naked eye and have been studied for thousands of years by cultures all over the world.
Researchers may have found the answer to the mystery of how early hominids processed tar as an adhesive.
A team of researchers from the U.S. and Italy has built a quantum memory device that is approximately 1000 times smaller than similar devices—small enough to install on a chip.
Barely 30 years ago, many researchers did not believe that upper atmospheric lightning existeduntil 1989 when researchers from the University of Minnesota captured them on video tape.
Archaeologists tracing the origins of the Ark of the Covenant, a lost biblical chest that is said to contain ancient relics, believe it may have also carried pagan idols thousands of years old.
People frequently underestimate just how much more advanced space-faring aliens might be. I would posit that there are races out there so much more advanced than us that we would be unable to recognize the evidence of their existence, and such evidence would instead appear to us as aspects of the nature of reality itself.
Autonomous vehicles have long been seen as a major security issue, but experts say they’re less vulnerable to hacks than human-controlled vehicles
But it’s not aliens.
Asteroid 3122 Florence is approaching Earth for a 7 million km close encounter on Sept. 1st.