Is the Sun Getting Brighter?0
- From Around the Web, Space
- November 17, 2017
What does the data tell us about the sun, and should we be worried?
What does the data tell us about the sun, and should we be worried?
Landing on Mars is difficult and not always successful.
From the outset, we must state two essential facts: first, that we have no concrete evidence that intelligent aliens have ever visited our planet; and, second, that we have no evidence that there is life outside Earth, intelligent or not.
Astrophysicists inspecting the skies just got a massive surprise. They discovered a huge galaxy orbiting the Milky Way, haven’t seen before.
The drug talks to a patch put on the patients’ skin
Most scientists believe all modern humans are descended from African ancestors. But a new analysis of an ancient Chinese skull found too many similarities to the earliest human fossils found in Africa to be a coincidence; maybe we didn’t all originate in Africa.
When paleontologists pull woolly mammoth fossils from mud pits, sinkholes, mudflows and other ancient booby traps, odds are it was a male that fell victim to the hazard.
Three arachnid species experience the equivalent of five-hour jet lag every day
During Antarctica’s summer, from late November through January, UW-Milwaukee geologists Erik Gulbranson and John Isbell climbed the McIntyre Promontory’s frozen slopes in the Transantarctic Mountains. High above the ice fields, they combed the mountain’s gray rocks for fossils from the continent’s green, forested past.
A newly published study from Yale University details how a cache of embryo-like microfossils discovered in northern Mongolia may shed light on questions about the long-ago shift from microbes to animals on Earth.