Solaris Modalis Commentary: Photographs Taken During Hawaii Missile Incident0
- From Around the Web, UFO News
- January 20, 2018
Was there something flying above Hawaii during the false alarm?
Was there something flying above Hawaii during the false alarm?
A single drop of solvent swirls like a tiny dancer atop a beaker of water, gradually jettisoning away little round bits of itself until nothing remains. Some who saw it thought it looked like a spinning galaxy, or the world’s tiniest hurricane. All who saw it wondered what the heck was going on — and that includes the researchers who conducted the experiment in 2011.
The symptoms were unlike anything the doctors of the time had seen.
It is often assumed that a structure’s surface can be appropriately represented as a two-dimensional area, completely flat and devoid of any depth. However, in reality, two-dimensional surfaces do not exist in nature, if zoomed in sufficiently even the most seemingly flat surface has 3-dimensional structure. This can pose a problem when physics that have been formulated with two-dimensions are re-examined using a more realistic 3D model.
Putting astronauts into short-term hibernation could make space travel more efficient.
Rare lights seen near earthquakes had long been called UFOs.
This is the honest to God reply from the Canadian Department of Defense to the Canadian Broadcasting Company in reply to the request for an interview on the just released secret UFO investigation by the United States government.
A new filter material may be better at straining contaminants from water than the activated carbon in your faucet filter—and may be cheaper and easier to clean, to boot.
It’s not just us humans who get sleepy after big meals. Black holes do, too.
David Fravor, commander of a Navy squadron aboard the USS Nimitz, had an encounter with a UFO that is hard to explain.