Scientists Growing Neanderthal Brains To Put Inside Robots0
- From Around the Web, Science & Technology
- July 5, 2018
Scientists are growing Neanderthal brains in Petri dishes, which they plan to put inside robots.
Scientists are growing Neanderthal brains in Petri dishes, which they plan to put inside robots.
Japan’s Hayabusa2 spacecraft plans to strike the asteroid creating a crater and dislodging rocks for analysis
Ever since space scientists first spotted the odd, cigar-shaped object known as 1I/‘Oumuamua in the sky, they have been debating what it is exactly. Suggestions have included an asteroid, a comet and even alien spaceship. Now a study, published in Nature, suggests it may actually be a comet – but an unusual one.
NEWLY-released files show what secret “UFO” work Britain was doing – and the unbelievable thing it feared its rivals had.
The Hera spacecraft mission, proposed by the European Space Agency, is heading to a binary asteroid to support NASA’s planetary defense plan against potential asteroid collision.
Speaker Round Table on Disclosure at the Alien Cosmic Expo (2018) featuring Richard Dolan, Linda Moulton Howe, Grant Cameron, Stanton T. Friedman and Victor Viggiani. Moderated by Richard Syrett.
“We found the missing baryons,” researcher Michael Shull said.
SPHERE, a planet-hunting instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope, has captured the first confirmed image of a planet caught in the act of forming in the dusty disc surrounding a young star. The young planet is carving a path through the primordial disc of gas and dust around the very young star PDS 70. The data suggest that the planet’s atmosphere is cloudy.
Yesterday was UFO day and we still don’t know much about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. From why aliens might be unable to take on space travel to how some life on Earth might have originated from outer space, this is what we know so far about alien life in the universe.
Life needs a stable climate.