Earth’s new early-warning meteor impact system is needed more than ever0
- From Around the Web, Space
- July 8, 2019
Scientists fear a repeat of the 2013 strike in Russia and the devastating 1908 impact
Scientists fear a repeat of the 2013 strike in Russia and the devastating 1908 impact
Imagine, a few years from now, looking up into the night sky and seeing a full moon, brightly illuminating the landscape in front of you.
We live in a universe with 3 dimensions of space and one of time. Up, down, left, right, forward, back, past, future. 3+1 dimensions. Or so our primitive Pleistocene-evolved brains find it useful to believe. And we cling to this intuition, even as physics shows us that this view of reality may be only a very narrow perception. One of the most startling possibilities is that our 3+1 dimensional universe may better described as resulting from a spacetime one dimension lower – like a hologram projected from a surface infinitely far away.
Machine enhanced humans — or cyborgs as they are known in science fiction — could be one step closer to becoming a reality, thanks to new research Lieber Group at Harvard University, as well as scientists from University of Surrey and Yonsei University.
What were gender roles like during Viking times? A Norwegian archaeologist thinks we often misinterpret the past based on our current cultural assumptions.
A team of physicists at the Yokohama National University, Japan, has successfully demonstrated quantum teleportation — the remote exchange of quantum states — in a diamond.
New research presented at the 2019 Astrobiology Science Conference in Bellevue, Wa.
UNC School of Medicine scientists created a powerful new “directed evolution” technique for the rapid development of scientific tools and new treatments for many diseases.
While the truth might be out there, technological aliens don’t seem to be — at least not yet.
Astronomers from the Basingstoke Astronomical Society are using commercially available telescopes to help the Ministry of Defence.