Saturn’s Rings May Be Ancient After All0
- From Around the Web, Space
- September 18, 2019
The age debate has taken another turn.
The age debate has taken another turn.
Small methane-filled lakes on the surface of Titan were likely formed by explosive, pressurized nitrogen just under the hazy moon’s surface, according to a new analysis of radar data from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft.
General relativity suggests the spacetime oddities can be fully described by their mass and spin
A new material created by researchers has qualities that are similar to those of plastic, but because it is biodegradable, the new material is more eco-friendly.
The metallic asteroid Psyche has mystified scientists because it is less dense than it should be, given its iron-nickel composition. Now, a new theory could explain Psyche’s low density and metallic surface.
We aren’t quite ready for a Quantum Leap just yet and, when we are, it may not be any quicker than a normal trip through space.
THE US Navy has admitted that videos taken by pilots apparently showing encounters with UFOs are real.
The alien space rock has a pronounced tail and a hyperbolic path, suggesting it comes from beyond our solar system
One angler got the surprise of his life recently when he reeled up this alien-like fish with huge bulbous eyes.
Earl Grey Anderson and his fellow MUFON field investigators have been searching for extraterrestrial life for half a century now