Has Dark Energy Been Debunked? Probably Not.0
- From Around the Web, Science & Technology, Space
- January 10, 2020
A new study suggests that dark energy might not be real after all. But other scientists have found major flaws with this bold claim.
A new study suggests that dark energy might not be real after all. But other scientists have found major flaws with this bold claim.
The rocket core stage completed manufacturing work.
There’s been an interesting, if not terribly informative development in the story of those UFOs encountered by the Nimitz aircraft carrier battle group back in 2004.
New evidence gleaned from Antarctic seashells confirms that Earth was already unstable before the asteroid impact that wiped out the dinosaurs.
TOI 700 d is a landmark discovery for NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite.
The coating flouts the typical trend of hotter objects radiating more light
Things are only getting more confusing.
Using NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, the agency’s Spitzer Space Telescope and other facilities, astronomers have discovered a compact system of three small planets orbiting around the cool M-dwarf star TOI-700. One of these planets, named TOI-700d, has a radius of 1.1 times that of the Earth and orbits within the conservative habitable zone of its host star.
Amid reports of flying saucers swarming the nation’s capital, the intelligence agency realized it needed a P.R. strategy.
An enormous wave has been discovered in the Milky Way that may have formed as a result of a collision with a massive mystery object—potentially a clump of dark matter—scientists have said.