Scientists find bug that feasts on toxic plastic0
- From Around the Web, Science & Technology
- April 1, 2020
Bacterium is able to break down polyurethane, which is widely used but rarely recycled
Bacterium is able to break down polyurethane, which is widely used but rarely recycled
New research hints that liquid water might be common at the solar system’s edge
As COVID-19 has hitchhiked around the globe, causing lockdowns, pneumonia and fear, scientists have been racing to determine where the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has come from.
Reptiles inhabited prehistoric Morocco 100m years ago
His correspondence also reveals that even a genius has his flaws
Astronomers obtained the first resolved image of disturbed gaseous clouds in a galaxy 11 billion light-years away by using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). The team found that the disruption is caused by young powerful jets ejected from a supermassive black hole residing at the center of the host galaxy. This result will cast light on the mystery of the evolutionary process of galaxies in the early Universe.
Researchers in US tracked the neural data from people while they were speaking
Did you spot any strange lights in the Manitoba skies over the weekend?
Peacock spiders keep dancing their way into our hearts. They’re tiny, they’re colourful, they’re fluffy and they have killer moves.
The novel coronavirus sweeping the globe already jumped species, probably originating in bats and possibly infecting pangolins before hitting humans. Now primate scientists say they fear that the virus could pose a mortal threat to our closest living relatives — chimpanzees, gorillas and other great apes.