Iter: World’s largest nuclear fusion project begins assembly0
- From Around the Web, Science & Technology
- July 31, 2020
The world’s biggest nuclear fusion project has entered its five-year assembly phase.
The world’s biggest nuclear fusion project has entered its five-year assembly phase.
An armada of exploration brings orbiters, rovers and a helicopter. While Mars may be some time away from human visitors, its robot population continues to swell
Radioactive plutonium is crucial for keeping this and other power-hungry deep-space missions warm and working for years on end
The latest report on military study of UFOs is just as tantalizing—and unilluminating—as all the ones before.
NASA has announced the astronauts that will fly on the third crewed SpaceX mission, revealing a multi-national crew of four that will travel to the International Space Station (ISS).
Work has begun to assemble giant components to build an experimental nuclear fusion reactor in France that is expected to start up in 2035 and deliver energy in a process inspired by the sun, the ITER project said on Tuesday.
A Canadian scientist says helping NASA with a mission to Mars to look for signs of life is the fulfillment of a childhood dream.
UFO sightings in Canada hit a 10-year low in 2019, but the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and exciting new celestial phenomena lead experts to suspect numbers will take off.
A researcher says a woman was chased by Bigfoot in the Hudson Valley.
A team of biologists from Japan and the United States has successfully revived aerobic microbes found in 101.5-million-year-old sediments from the abyssal plain of the South Pacific Gyre, the part of the ocean with the lowest productivity and fewest nutrients available to fuel the marine food web.