Alien Implant Mystery8
- Featured Articles
- April 15, 2016
She sensed being lifted up into a bright light, and then unexpectedly, she filled the hypnotherapist’s office with a raw, primal scream: “No! No! No!”
She sensed being lifted up into a bright light, and then unexpectedly, she filled the hypnotherapist’s office with a raw, primal scream: “No! No! No!”
What’s that in the sky over Amarillo, Texas?
Cold spots, elevators and doors that mysteriously open and close by themselves…
In a November 1, 1995 from Rockefeller’s lawyer to the president’s science advisor it is out that Hillary and her staff have been helping Rockefeller edit a draft of a letter to the President called “Lifting Secrecy of Information about Extraterrestrial Intelligence as Part of the Current Classification Review.”
Astronomers from Columbia University propose that “Earth use lasers to hide itself from potential alien foes” and “prevent the potential annihilation of the human race”
“There’s a new name. It’s called Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon.” — Hillary Clinton to Jimmy Kimmel
“The most intense part of the beam was the centre. It lasted until about 6:45 am EST, but not sure how long it was present prior to the initial sighting at 6:30 am. It continued to pulsate until it collapsed on itself in the middle after ten minutes of pulsing.” – Resident of Pedricktown, NJ
“The feeling I got was that the Praying Mantises were protecting me energetically so that whatever the Grey types were doing to my chest could be completed.”
“I have searched through the literature, and have found no other mention of a magnetic fibrous capsule (or indeed any magnetic biological tissues) whatsoever.” ~ Dr. Muirhead