Diamonds Buried 400 Miles Below Surface Could Explain Mysterious Earthquakes0
- Earth Mysteries, From Around the Web
- December 17, 2019
What’s driving Earth’s deepest earthquakes? Diamonds may hold answers.
What’s driving Earth’s deepest earthquakes? Diamonds may hold answers.
Analysis finds that the planet’s protective shield was in place by at least 3.7 billion years ago, as early life arose.
Explorers and scientists are on the trail of legendary ‘creature’ Bigfoot in the forests of Oregon.
A three-week search turned up intriguing clues.
A new study examines how early animals endured the worst ice age in Earth’s history, and why it might have set the stage for our existence.
Tigers infielder Jordy Mercer has posted up two still images of an alleged Sasquatch on his property.
After the October blast at Lateiki in the Kingdom of Tonga, a larger island formed over a connected vent in the ocean.
A shocking discovery made a decade and a half ago is changing our understanding of human evolution
Meteorologists give names to large storms with wide impacts — like tropical cyclones and, in some cases, massive winter storms — to help make communication easier. If you have several active tropical storms, for instance, you want to be sure everyone knows which one you’re discussing.
Memory researchers document a ‘postdictive’ bias in deja vu experiencers in the lab, and offer an explanation