Australia gets snow in summer0
- Earth Mysteries, From Around the Web
- February 28, 2020
Mountainous areas of Tasmania saw ‘just enough to settle’, forecaster says
Mountainous areas of Tasmania saw ‘just enough to settle’, forecaster says
Scientists say red coloured snow reflects less sunlight and causes ice to melt faster
For centuries, humans struggled to sync civil, religious, and agricultural calendars with the solar year. Adding a ‘leap year’ solved the problem—though just for the next 3,300 years.
How do some books appear to predict events? A virus called Wuhan-400 causes an outbreak of a deadly epidemic in the Dean Koontz’s thriller published in 1981.
An uncharted island off Antarctica’s western coast could reveal how climate change is altering the continent.
A recently uploaded video has captured some interesting (and unnerving) sounds coming from the woods.
The vortex is teaming up with a record-breaking Arctic Oscillation to keep frigid weather at bay
Is Bigfoot “hanging out” in the Buckeye state?
What’s driving the relatively rapid sea ice growth this year?
To pull off this atmospheric feat to create this perfect storm, the upper-level support with the jet stream is off-the-charts ideal