This Is What It’s Like to Be the Only Man in Washington Lobbying for UFOs0
- From Around the Web, Another Point of View
- March 4, 2016
He is searching for intelligent life on Capitol Hill.
He is searching for intelligent life on Capitol Hill.
Whether it’s quantum physics or Newtonian physics, it is a system created by our consciousness.
“It’s all connected. It’s all the same stuff. You have a field of consciousness that is everything.”
She sensed being lifted up into a bright light, and then unexpectedly, she filled the hypnotherapist’s office with a raw, primal scream: “No! No! No!”
A growing number of researchers are becoming quite serious about the concept of Ancient Astronauts, the idea that non-humans visited the Earth millennia ago.
What the Trilaterals truly intend is the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political government of the nation-states involved.
President George Bush was a Trilateralist, a CFR member, and a brother in the mysterious Order of Skull and Bones.
Russia, sans communism, just might be factor that saves us from the New World Order.