Why is Hillary Clinton openly discussing UFOs, Area 51 on the Jimmy Kimmel Show?1
- Featured Articles
- March 25, 2016
“There’s a new name. It’s called Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon.” — Hillary Clinton to Jimmy Kimmel
“There’s a new name. It’s called Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon.” — Hillary Clinton to Jimmy Kimmel
“I have searched through the literature, and have found no other mention of a magnetic fibrous capsule (or indeed any magnetic biological tissues) whatsoever.” ~ Dr. Muirhead
“It looked like tiny forks going up into my nose.”
“If we don’t do what we’re supposed to do in this lifetime then we have to come back again.”
Top Secret Files Leaked of ET Crash Landing and Recovery of Live Alien
“For many years after my abduction experiences… I’ve been wondering myself if I have had implants.”
“Certain groups seem to be following certain genetic lineages.”
“It’s all connected. It’s all the same stuff. You have a field of consciousness that is everything.”
“What ever this phenomena is, it moves in and out of the reality that we’re familiar with”
She sensed being lifted up into a bright light, and then unexpectedly, she filled the hypnotherapist’s office with a raw, primal scream: “No! No! No!”