Zimbabwe UFO Child Conactee Speaks Publicly For The 1st Time40
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- June 21, 2016
Emily was only a few feet away from the beings and believes she was given messages.
Emily was only a few feet away from the beings and believes she was given messages.
What we were seeing was a cylinder-shaped object twirling or spinning ever so slowly in a clockwise direction at an almost slow-motion momentum.
Lesley Mitchell-Clarke and Co-Host WES ROBERTS are excited to welcome back Reverend John Polk
In under one month from now, Barbara Lamb, investigative therapist and author studying complex evidence of an ET presence on Earth, will speak in Toronto about hybrids with human and ET DNA emerging in increasing numbers.
Video by Oklahoma UFO Paranormal Team members Dick and Marilyn Carlson, Yukon, OK.
“There is a hard, morose fact right in front of us that pretty soon that no one is going to be alive from Roswell… We need one last deathbed confession.”
Raw and uncensored commentary about the upcoming US election and Disclosure featuring Jim Marrs, Linda Moulton Howe, and Laura Eisenhower.
People have expressed that when simply closing their eyes and “feeling” the music, they experience a powerfully peaceful, profoundly expansive sense of wellbeing.
YOU’VE WON a FREE All Weekend PASS to “The Woodstock of UFOs” – USA Today!