Two cases from MUFON’s databases of two similar sightings of these strange ‘pulsating sphere’ UFOs.
Source: MUFON
November 22, 2020; 9:00 PM
Case 112504: Sevdie, a high school student, and her two friends were outdoors in Elk Grove, approximately 12 miles southeast of Sacramento, California. At first, the object seemed to be a ”big, bright light”, but too big to be a star. It appeared to be a small sphere inside a larger sphere. The whole object pulsated, glowed, vibrated and seemed to be transparent. In her report, Sevdie described it as being white, but in her description, it was also “with vivid hints of red and maybe blue or green”. The three witnesses watched the object for approximately one hour at about 2° above the horizon. As can be seen from Sevdie’s photograph below, the object had “fuzzy edges”. In her report, Sevdie stated that the object was stationary; however, the video reveals that the object had a random movement but stayed within the camera’s field of view. There was an aircraft in the vicinity both before and after the sighting.
Stevie’s screenshot is shown below:

Sevdie’s description of the event follows:
“Looking almost straight ahead, a big bright light [appeared and was] too big to be a star [or] planet and too stationary and round to be a plane. At first, it looked like a big bright star, but it [was] too big and close to be in space. In the video, [as I] zoomed in there [was] a round, smaller sphere within a larger less opaque sphere. In the video, when [I] zoomed in, the outside looked like it was pulsating and with vivid hints of red and maybe blue or green.”
November 13, 2020; 8:30 PM
Case 112260: The Elk Grove, California, sighting described above is similar to Case 112260 which occurred nine days earlier over Charlotte, North Carolina. The main witness, David, and his two friends observed the apparently random movements of what they described as a yellow-orange “sphere”. Viewing their video, the object appears to be a bluish-white color with an irregular internal coloration. There appeared to be a similar “sphere” inside the outer sphere. The object was at 70° above the horizon, pulsated and appeared to spin. Five minutes later, the object hovered in place. David’s zoomed screenshot of the object is below.

The following is David’s description of their sighting:
“When I first observed the object, I thought it might be Saturn. Then, I observed seemingly random movement, but thought it could be a trick of the eye. [I] pointed it out to my girlfriend, Tami, we watched a bit [and] did determine it was moving. We were then joined by a neighbor, Scott, who also observed the same. After about five minutes of motion, it remained stationary. Then, low flying jets coming from the northeast began to fly over. [W]e counted 11 and heard another after we went back inside. All these jets appeared to be the same. They were flying to the southeast, but didn’t seem to be on an intercept path flying low. We guessed [that] they may be military. After 45 minutes, we went back inside to view videos taken on the television. I was astonished to see what I did. [We] went back outside, [and] the object was gone.”
Case Disposition (Cases 112260 and 112504): Assigned (to MUFON field investigators) These cases are under investigation by MUFON and do not yet have a determination as to their authenticity.
Source: MUFON
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