Case 111613: Laura [last name withheld] was photographing the sunset near Zumarraga, Spain.
Source: MUFON
Zumarraga is 15 miles south of the Bay of Biscay and 25 miles southwest of San Sabastián, a port town in northern Spain. Laura was more than one mile away from the mountain shown in the photos below. She claims that a white object, at approximately 10° above the horizon, approached the mountain (apparently from the left in the photo) and then descended. The object proceeded to land on the mountaintop and then disappeared. According to her Case Management System report, she observed the object for “4 hours.” However, this was more likely due to a misunderstanding, and one might reasonably assume that she meant “4 minutes.” Laura took two photographs of the object: one as the object approached the mountain and a second photo after the object landed. The object was silent throughout the event.

Laura’s description of the event follows: “I was just trying to take a beautiful picture of the sunset. I felt something different that day in the sky, but I couldn’t see clearly the object with my eyes. It was a picture with the phone which took [the object] perfectly. The object [went up] to the top of a mountain, landed and then disappeared.” Commentary Although there were no other witnesses and the report is incomplete, the object, at least to this writer, doesn’t appear to be any “normal” aircraft. Whether it’s a hoax or not, we’ll just have to await the findings of the field investigator. Case Disposition: Assigned (to a MUFON field investigator) This case is under investigation by MUFON and does not yet have a determination as to its authenticity.
Source: MUFON
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