Is Bigfoot “hanging out” in the Buckeye state?
Source: Fox News
Two men claim to have spotted the legendary creature in Salt Fork State Park in Eastern Ohio and a video of their purported “sighting” has gone viral.
“My friend and I got permission to fly our drones at Salt Fork State Park in Ohio,” one of the men writes, in a post accompanying the video. “While we were there we heard many strange noises and we believe we may have found the Ohio Grassman/Bigfoot/Sasquatch.” Ohio Grassman is a local nickname for Bigfoot.
The video, which shows something wandering upright on two feet among the trees, has racked up more than 260,000 views since it was posted to YouTube on Feb. 2.
The footage has prompted plenty of skepticism from commenters on YouTube. “I once thought I saw a unicorn while I was driving on I-77 one evening,” quipped one commenter on YouTube. “I was gonna stop and get a close up look but it disappeared on me.”
“This is the funniest video I have seen in a while,” added another commenter. “Thank you guys for some much needed comic relief and some good ol’ fashioned harmless entertainment.”

“Take a gun next time and shoot it or a tranquilizer dart, then we can see what it really is, good job guys on trying to keep the tradition alive, however, I really don’t think anyone thinks u [sic] actually have ‘Bigfoot’ or ‘Grassman’ on video,” wrote another commenter.
There have been other alleged sightings of Bigfoot in Salt Fork State Park, according to the Daily Jeffersonian. One area of the park is even called ‘Bigfoot Ridge.’
Purported Bigfoot sightings in other parts of the U.S. have also gone viral. In 2017, the creature and some companions (one of whom was attempting to abscond with a pig) were allegedly spotted near a lake in Northern California.
Source: Fox News
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