The bottom line is, OS Innovations will save lives with our red blood cell storage technology.
Press Release – Dec 4, 2019

BRAMPTON, ON., Dec 4, 2019 – Globally there is a constant medical need for blood to save and protect human lives. Under the current methodologies, blood is taken from donors and stored until needed. Unused blood gets thrown out after 30 days, but in most cases the blood has degraded so badly after only 2 weeks that it is better not to give that blood to any patients.
The team at OS Innovations, Inc. has developed a way to ‘nourish’ the blood while it is in storage, so that it remains viable and does not break down into its component parts. Also we have a method to measure the condition of the blood itself, so that those who are administering it to patients know how safe and effective the blood is.
We have evidence that our blood food and measuring system will enable blood to be stored for up to 60 days.
This will change the amount of blood being taken from donors every day and reduce the amount of blood wasted when it is not used.
The Need
There is a continuing worldwide need for the transfusion of red blood cells in times of hemorrhagic crises – such as trauma, surgical operations, acute and chronic diseases, and following therapeutic interventions, such as chemotherapy for malignancies. Approximately 12.6 million units of whole blood are donated in the United States yearly, with approximately 32,000 units of red blood cells transfused on a given day.
There has been an ongoing concern over the disadvantages of transfusing “old” blood (> 2 weeks of storage). Numerous publications have reported an increase in mortality and morbidities after transfusing “old” blood.
Our Solution
OS Innovations has formulated a red blood cell storage “cocktail” with components tailored to address these known red blood cell metabolic storage lesions, as well as having properties to aid in the architecture of the red blood cell.
Our additive solution minimizes red blood storage lesions, potentially lessening these adverse effects of transfusing “old” blood.
The bottom line is, OS Innovations will save lives with our red blood cell storage technology.
Research Agenda
Our ongoing research will assess the metabolic parameters and cellular architecture of the red blood cell during storage intervals of 21, 35, 42, 50 and 60 days using this novel storage solution and compared to a current approved storage solution. Our designed storage solution was formulated specifically to preserve metabolic homeostasis and structural equilibrium in red blood cells during ex vivo storage.
Our technology will fill a current void in the storage of red blood cells by implementing additive solutions to aid in improving the preservation/storage of these cells by maintaining key metabolic/biochemical parameters, inhibiting the formation of advanced glycation end products, as well as aiding in preserving the structural framework of the cell. Besides the medical benefit, implementing and integrating this technology into general practice will have significant economic value.
Media Contact:
Claude Limberger
At OS Innovations, we bring together groundbreaking technology, engineering expertise and project management experience to address our customers’ challenges.
OS Innovations is structured to market new patented technologies for the medical field. We have the core competencies to manufacture our product and/or license the formulation and supporting materials to approved manufacturers. All licensees shall comply with best business practices and international regulatory standards and practices.
Our team provides an uncommon cross-disciplinary perspective, with knowledge ranging from particle physics to aerospace engineering, and from materials science to information systems. We collaborate widely with individuals and businesses whose proprietary technologies offer pioneering innovations, but that provide even greater marketplace value in combination with one another.
OS Innovations has four business divisions:
- Energy Systems
- Medical Systems
- Information Systems
- Architecture & Engineering Services
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