There are many incredible pyramids across North America that are often overlooked by mainstream history. There is a deep history associated with these sites, which show incredible design and architecture. One great example is The Pyramid of the Sun, which is the largest building in Teotihuacan. Experts believe that the pyramid was built around 200 CE. The site is stationed along the Avenue of the Dead, which is directly in between the Pyramid of the Moon and the Ciudadela.
Source: Anonymous News
The site is surrounded by the nearby mountain of Cerro Gordo, which towers over the region casting a massive shadow. The pyramid itself is merely one component of a larger complex that is in the heart of the city. This site has been a rich source of cultural artifacts, as archaeologists are still continuing to make incredible discoveries that show us just how advanced our North American ancestors were.
In 2011, researchers who were studying the site found a small treasure trove of items that they estimated to be almost 2,000 years old. Some of the experts in the field believed that these items might have been placed as offerings, to commemorate the state of construction of the Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Sun.

The pyramid was built over a man-made tunnel leading to a cave located six meters down beneath the center of the structure.
Included in the treasure trove were rare pieces of obsidian, along with the type of pottery and animal remains that researchers have come to expect from sites of this time period. Among the most impressive pieces were three humanoid figurines that were made out of a strange green stone. There was also a perfectly crafted serpentine mask, which archeologists believe might have been a part of some kind of portrait.
Perez Cortez, an investigator with the Zacatecas INAH Center, was among the researchers who made the initial finding. Cortez says that they were pretty certain that the items were made as offerings for some type of dedication ceremony. Scientists and researchers with Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) have been working at the site for a few years now, making sporadic findings around the pyramid. So far, the team has created 3 small tunnels, and have dug 59 holes to explore the inside and the base of the pyramid. In their searches, they have found some human burials and pottery, but this is their most astonishing finding thus far.

According to historians, the name “Pyramid of the Sun” comes from the ancient Aztec tribe, who reportedly visited the city of Teotihuacan many centuries after it was abandoned by its original inhabitants.
similar objects like obsidian arrowheads and human figurines have also been discovered at the nearby Pyramid of the Moon and Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent in the Ciudadela, although the human figurines are not nearly as remarkable as the ones seen here.
The first major historical artifact was discovered at the site in the nineteenth century. The artifact is known as the Teotihuacan Ocelot, and it can now be found in the British Museum’s collection.
Source: Anonymous News
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