Scientists recently rejected the claim that the Yellowstone caldera is overdue for its regular 600,000-year supereruption. However, one week later, researchers announced their surprise at discovering new thermal areas developing.
Source: Breaking Israel News
Michael Poland, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Scientist-in-Charge of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, wrote an article titled “Overdue,” which can apply to library books, bills, and oil changes, but it does not apply to Yellowstone!” in the Caldera Chronicles, a journal put out by the USGS. In the article, Poland rejected claims that the Yellowstone caldera is overdue for its regular 600,000-year eruption.
“We’ve heard many statements that Yellowstone is overdue — that it has a major eruption every 600,000 years on average, and since the last eruption was 631,000 years ago…well…you can see where this is going,” Poland wrote. “Is this true? In a word, ‘no.’ In two words, ‘no way.’ In three words, ‘not even close.’ Yellowstone doesn’t work that way.”
Yellowstone has produced three cataclysmic eruptions that scientists know of: at 2.08, 1.3, and 0.631 million years ago. Poland pointed out that even if Yellowstone were on a regular schedule, its history has established one eruption every 725,000 years, giving us another 124,000 years.
Poland admitted that this assessment of regularity can aid in predicting earthquakes; which are the result of accumulating pressure in geologic fault lines.
“The rate of this motion is generally constant over thousands to millions of years, so the earthquakes that result from the motion can have fairly regular timing,” Poland wrote, emphasizing that this axiom does not apply to volcanoes.
“With rare exceptions, volcanoes do not accumulate magma at a constant rate (in the few cases where that does happen, eruptions can be somewhat regular). Instead, volcanoes erupt when there is a sufficient supply of liquid magma in the subsurface and sufficient pressure to cause that magma to ascend to the surface. This does not generally happen on a schedule.”
He presented the formation of lava flows at Yellowstone, the last of which occurred 70,000 years ago.
“The Yellowstone magma reservoir system receives new magma only in discontinuous batches, causing several eruptions in a short period of time with long periods of quiet in between these episodes.”
Poland’s article would have been reassuring, putting all concerns to rest, were it not for another article the following week in the same journal by Greg Vaughan, a research scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey, titled “Discovering new thermal areas in Yellowstone’s dynamic landscape!” Using satellite-based thermal infrared remote sensing, the scientists had discovered an “unexpected” new region of thermal activity in Yellowstone.
“Yellowstone’s thermal areas are the surface expression of the deeper magmatic system, and they are always changing,” Vaughan wrote. “Recently, we have discovered another phenomenal example of thermal change—the emergence of an entirely new thermal area, which has taken place over the past 20 years!”
There is a history of conflicting scientific reports regarding Yellowstone.

In 2017, increased seismic activity at Yellowstone generated a great deal of concern. More than 2,300 tremors were recorded between June and September, one of the largest earthquake swarms ever recorded at the site. Though geologists assured the public that the activity was normal, another series of quakes and unusual eruptions beginning in February, increased fears that the supervolcano was waking up. An investigation revealed magma filling up in the underneath chamber of the supervolcano. In July 2018, a massive, 100 foot-wide fissure opened up in the Grand Teton National Park near Yellowstone, further increasing fears.
While claiming there was no need to worry, scientists began working on a plan to prevent an eruption. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) announced in 2017 that it was working on plans to drill six miles down into the volcanically active region and pump water into the magma at high pressures. The project is massive, estimated to cost $3.46 billion, and admittedly risky. The project could make the cap over the magma chamber more brittle and prone to fracture. It might also trigger the release of volatile gases which would otherwise not be released.
Yuval Ovadia, whose films on Nibiru have garnered hundreds of thousands of views, explained to Breaking Israel News why the statements by the scientific community seem so ambiguous.
“There is an aspect of the scientific community that is working to bring about an anti-Bible world order which is the direct opposite of the new world order that will come about as a result of the Messiah,” Ovadiah told Breaking Israel News. “A normal scientist, if the results are not what he expected, will check to make sure that he took into account all the data. There is clearly something affecting Yellowstone that is not in their calculations which is why they have to keep changing their statements.”
For Ovadia, it is clear what this hidden element is: Nibiru.
“As Nibiru comes closer, it affects gravity, the rotation of the planets, the spin of the earth, and will cause magma underground to flow faster,” Ovadia said. “That is why the scientists’ calculations are confusing them and coming out wrong. The scientists want the people to believe that they know everything and they can fix everything. Even when they change their statements.”
Ovadia emphasized that denying the existence of Nibiru contradicts the scientific process.
“NASA is constantly discovering new solar systems,” Ovadia explained. “How can they say something does not exist if they haven’t revealed the entire picture? And they say they see everything in our solar system but they are discovering new things all the time even while sizable meteors fall quite frequently.”
Because of these contradictions, Ovadia has created a new acronym for NASA: Not A Straight Answer.
“The Creator gave us the answers and science, in its proper form, discovers the process,” Ovadia said. “Science and belief work nicely together. But when science rejects the Bible and belief, the answers stop making sense and change. Also, belief tells us what to do with our knowledge. When a scientist thinks the world will be destroyed, he goes into a panic because he doesn’t know how to fix it. Of course, he doesn’t know how to fix it. He didn’t make it!”
Ovadia explained that Bible-believers are less concerned about earth-threatening catastrophes like a supereruption of the Yellowstone caldera because this type of cataclysmic seismic activity is mentioned specifically by the prophets as an aspect of the End-of-Days process.
But Hashem God is the true God, He is the living God, and the everlasting King; at His wrath the earth trembleth, and the nations are not able to abide His indignation. Jeremiah 10:10
The prophet describes this catastrophic period as a process to purify the inhabitants of earth for the Messianic period to follow.
“And I will bring the third part through the fire and will refine them as silver is refined and will try them as gold is tried; they shall call on My name and I will answer them; I will say: ‘It is My people’ and they shall say: ‘Hashem is my God.’” Zechariah 13:9
“We know what will be in the end. There will be a new world order. We call it the Messiah. We know how Yellowstone fits into this but we also know that it is always possible to pray, to repent, to relate to the Creator,” Ovadia said. ‘And we know the Creator listens.”

Although the probability of an eruption at Yellowstone may (or may not) be small, the results of such an event would be catastrophic in the extreme. The Yellowstone Caldera is listed as the most dangerous supervolcano in existence and as such, is the most monitored volcano in the world.
The biggest danger from an eruption is not the lava but the ash. The Yellowstone eruption two million years ago produced 2,500 times as much ash as the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption. Ash is caustic when inhaled and volcanic eruptions can spew the ash high into the atmosphere. The pileup of ash on rooftops has resulted in building collapses. An estimated 87,000 people would be killed immediately and two-thirds of the United States would become uninhabitable.
A Yellowstone supereruption would disrupt electronics and endanger human health in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and affect other parts of the country. Moreover, a month-long supereruption could affect the global climate for several years. The large spew of ash into the atmosphere would block out sunlight, resulting in an artificially long and intense winter worldwide, inhibiting agriculture and leading to global starvation.
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