The story comes from an Ashland cop, Herbert Schirmer, who said back in 1967 that aliens stopped in his town and brought him on board their ship.
Source: 3 News Now
“I came across this story of this alien encounter in Ashland, Nebraska started doing my research on it, ton of stuff came up. One of the things that were really unique about it was this guy from LA made a comic book about it in 2011,” says Cody Schmick, co-owner of Kinkaider Brewery.
That guy from LA is Michael Jasorka, a self-published comic book author, who took Schirmer’s verbal account and made it into a 50-page comic book.
Jasorka doesn’t think of it as some fairy tale either, he was drawn into the story because of Schirmer’s credibility as a cop.
“The facts that he brings across in this story telling are beyond a creative mind, they’re too, they’re too detailed let’s say,” says Jasorka.
Local UFO experts Paul Breckenridge and John Buder told Jasorka what they know about the case. They say one reason they believe it to be true is others across the country told police of very similar circumstances.
“The extraterrestrials were absolutely identical and these were reported in police reports, not just a person coming forward and saying it happened it to me, these were investigated by local law enforcement,” says local UFO expert, John Buder.
Whether it happened, or not, the story is now in a revival.
That’s because Nebraska-based Kinkaider Brewery released a new beer this week, Star Space Dank IPA, named after the extra-terrestrial meeting.
“On the alien encounter, they had had winged serpents, the aliens had winged serpents on their emblem,” says Schmick.
Throughout the week Kinkaider and Jasorka have done a variety of events, including a book signing at Hy-Vee Thursday.
While Schirmer is now dead and couldn’t take part, his story lives on.
“We believe in the case, we really think it occurred with him,” says Jasorka.
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