A researcher who discovered peculiar material at the site where many believe an alien spacecraft crashed is saying the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) may be confiscating the material next week.
He says he is on the brink of proving the material is of extraterrestrial origins and is seeking help to keep the BLM from stopping his research.

Frank Kimbler (Credit: Alejandro Rojas)
Frank Kimbler teaches Geology and other earth sciences at the high school and college level at the New Mexico Military Institute in Roswell. When he first arrived in Roswell to begin work at the Institute, he says he thought it would be fun to look into the local UFO legend. Roswell is famous for the alleged crash of an extraterrestrial spacecraft in 1947 in the nearby desert. Kimbler examined satellite photos of the area and found areas where it appeared the ground had been burnt. He has searched these areas and has found fragments of material he feels are unusual.
An initial isotopic ratio test done in conjunction with the Roswell International UFO Museum and Research Center was inconclusive, but suggested the material may be of unearthly origins. Kimbler has continued research on the material and says he is close to proving the “ET origins of Roswell.”

A piece of the material found by Kimbler. (Credit: Frank Kimbler)
However, now the BLM is inquiring about the materials and Kimbler is terrified that they may want to take it from him. Kimbler was recently contacted by them and asked to bring the materials in on Monday, June 25. This news comes less than two weeks before the annual Roswell UFO festival.
Kimbler says the BLM was told about his work when the BLM was looking into plans by festival organizers to take people out the site. However, Kimbler says according to a BLM pamphlet, he is not breaking any of their rules. Indeed the booklet does say it is OK to take a “reasonable” amount of material, barring that it is not historically or culturally significant. The material Kimbler collected would not fit either of these specifications, unless he proves otherwise, which he has not done yet, and will not be able to do if the material is taken from him.

Field where the “real” Roswell debris is said to have been found. (Credit: OpenMinds.tv)
In an email sent to me after a conversation about Kimbler’s concerns, he writes (edited for clarity):
The Bureau of Land Management contacted me today and requested that I bring the artifacts that I found down to their office in Roswell. They want their enforcement officer to look at the material and see if I’m in violation of US laws. [Their] own published document clearly says that anything less than 100 years old is not an artifact. It also says of human origin in all US laws. This a prelude to confiscation or fines or both. Seriously, folks, I’m one scientific test away from proving the ET origins of Roswell.
The meeting with the BLM is Monday morning 10:15 AM in the Roswell District office. Contact your friends especially the ones in high places, send me a good free lawyer and contact as many media people as you can. I want CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox, CNN. I’m serious; the government is attempting to take the material that was found at the crash site. They are trying to stop the research.
This kind of government control needs to stop, and we as Americans have the power to do it. I can’t do by myself. I NEED HELP!
BLM may just be doing their due diligence to make sure Kimbler is in compliance, but Kimbler’s concern is understandable. It would be tragic if he could not continue his work, especially when it does not appear he is breaking any BLM regulations.
For more information on Kimbler’s material read Test determines Roswell debris is not from Earth.
UPDATE 6/26/2018:
Frank writes: “The crash site fragments are are untouched. Nothing confiscated yet, but that status could change with the stroke of a BLM.”
Source: Open Minds
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