Who goes there?
Left at East Gate: A First-hand Account of the Bentwaters Woodbridge UFO Incident.
Part I
What Happened Earlier Before 2013
A blow by blow account and history of what happened at Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk, Eastern England December 26 to December 29, 1980 near the Woodbridge and Bentwaters Military Bases: where several people witnessed and recorded the antics of UFOs and occupants. Security Policeman, Spec-Exp-RQMT-AT, Larry Warren was a party to that incident. Left at East Gate is his account and story.
(Left at East Gate, Larry Warren and Peter Robbins, Cosimo Books, P.O Box 416, Old Chelsea Station, New York, N.Y, 10011-0416. www.cosaimobooks.com. December, 2005, 560 pages, $23.99.)
Warren had been ordered into the fray by Sergeant Andrew Bustinza and Second Lieutenant England, and ended in a clearing in Randlesham along with other military personal:
“We moved closer. Up a slight incline, thorn bushes tearing at my pants,” described Warren. “Now, I could see what was in the fields. It looked like a ground fog, but was somehow lit up from within. It glowed very brightly, with the definition of a roughly shaped circle approximately one foot in height…It was yellow-green and at times appeared almost transparent. Two disaster-preparedness officers walked very close to it in a counterclockwise direction with yellow Geiger counters in hand. Someone was snapping pictures. Off to my right, I saw personnel operating motion-picture cameras – one was handheld, the other mounted on a tripod filming the amazing sight.”
There was an estimated forty-odd people in the field at the moment that another red globe exploded over the area producing a second machine in the shape of a pearl white pyramid in a rainbow of color, distorted, cobalt-blue lights, landing gear, boxes, pipes, extensions, delta-like appendages. Humanoid figures appeared within the glow. Colonel Gordon Williams and other officers conversed with the occupants.
Artist Conception of Bentwaters UFO
There were several witnesses that added to the train of comments:
“What I once believed is no more, and what I’ve witnessed, defies all that I have ever imagined.” “I am truly in awe over the whole incident, and no one can fully understand the magnitude, of such an event, unless you were there.”
-James Penniston, Interview with BC Television 2005.
“I have never said what I saw was a being! In my hypnosis, I do talk about some kind of interaction with something. As far as what I remember there was something there but I have never called it a being. The interesting mix up was the fact the USAF thought I was Larry Warren talking about what happened out there. I believe he was going by the name of Art Wallace.”
-John Burroughs, November 20th, 2011.
“When I arrived it was going in and out through the trees and at one stage it was hovering.
“Then it went over to a clearing at the edge of the forest. By the time we got to the clearing it had already landed.
“When this thing landed Halt was already there. I didn’t see it land. I saw it take off. It kind of hovered at first and then took off.”
-Adrian Bustinza, Interview with Georgina Bruni.
“There were three objects or lights. The largest light was the leading or command vessel. The lights were three vessels that moved independently of each other. They were moving and were able to jump from Woodbridge and show up over Bentwaters in less than a second.”
-Monroe Nevels, Disaster Preparedness Technician.
“While we walked, each one of us would see the lights: blue, red, white, and yellow….lights would seem to be at the edge of the forest. We were almost 100 meters from the edge of the forest when I saw a quick movement; it looked visible for a moment. It looked like it spun left a quarter of a turn, then it was gone.” – Edward N. Cabansac, A1Q, USAF, 81st Security Police, sq.
The first part of the book covered Warren’s life immediately following the incident, a not too clear portrayal of cover-up by the government and an attempt to silence Warren. Commander Richardson of the Office of Naval Intelligence was thrown into the middle of those early days, as Warren was forced into a trip to an underground facility beneath Bentwaters, Warren is possibly drugged and eventually squirreled into a Plexiglas cubicle:
“I stepped into the confined area, and felt as if I was no longer on earth. I found myself looking into a gigantic, dark cavernous space” – out of which came Warren’s eureka or epiphany moment with an alien intelligence that told Warren of their ancient connections and how they were aligned with earthly governments; no small revelations. Warren was blacked out and brought back to his dorm room for recovery.
The East Gate
Also part of the early recollections in Warren’s adventure was his compulsion to tell selected individuals of the UFO appearance only to be rebuffed, threatened and somehow quarantined for doing so. Other witnesses had similar experiences.
Earlier, during a debriefing on the UFO incident by the Armed Forces Security Service (AFSS), Warren had been warned to keep silent and to toe-the-line: “One or two of you won’t…bullets are cheap.” This atmosphere continued later when Warren tried to reenlist back into the military and found all his earlier records were locatable by the FBI. His code was suddenly 4-M: “Do not process. Nothing follows.” They invented a medical reason that was nonexistent. The Air Force would not proceed. Warren decided to go public to assure his safety by means of public exposure.
The core of the rest of the book told about Warren’s efforts to promulgate the incident, his battle with UFO reporters and debunkers alike, as well as his further expansion into UFO origins and theories and the people that are behind it all.
Bunkers and Missile Silos Bentwaters Military Compound
Part II mentioned a panopy of events such as a “voice-stress analysis” sponsored by the late Walt Andrus of MUFON and the National Enquirer allegedly indicating that Warren was lying in a CNN interview. Such an analysis has been highly questioned, however, to say the least.
For those who felt that Warren was part of the GUN HO New Age Space Religion, think again, Warren said in Part III:
“For me, the most depressing part of the conference was the presence of the New Age movement…I felt their cult-like, glazed-eye attitude was not helping the subject of UFOs to be taken more seriously by the general public…having these people run around…set us back fifty years.”
Warren’s June, 1987 lecture at the Washington, D.C. UFO conference had been mysteriously cut from forty-five minutes to fifteen, probably due to Andrus’ skepticism. Warren struggled with the marital and family problems UFOs had continuously caused him, such as the highway over-flight of a triangular craft that harassed him and his wife Cindy. Eventually, tensions over UFOs led to their divorce.
In the lives of many UFO participants, UFO sightings seemed to follow the parties throughout their lives. Author Peter Robbins’ UFO connections seemed to go back to 1975 at the age of fourteen. These teenage years appeared, for many adolescents, typical of poltergeist and paranormal activity, but I do not know if ‘‘abduction memories” were characteristic, however. Suddenly, with the advent of Budd Hopkins’ books, everybody had seemingly been “abducted”; this often led to sad tales and perplexities.
“(Jenny) Randle’s co-researchers Dot Street and Brenda Butler soon established a contact on the Air Base who confirmed most of the details of the earlier stories but wouldn’t allow himself to be named either,” said Robbins. “’Wasn’t there anyone except Larry who would go on the record about this?’ I thought as I read.”
Science-writer and Editor Ian Ridpath and researcher Vince Thurkettle laid the case at the doorstep of a meteor the British Astronomical Society confirmed for December 26-27, as well as the lights from the Orford Ness light house, both supposedly synchronized with human error. Jenny Randle speculated, along with other possibilities, that the UFO could have been a crashed American stealth craft:
“It definitely was not the lighthouse,” said Warren. “The object moved, it was physically moving from side to side. The objects we saw in the sky were not meteors in that they stood in the same position and moved horizontally and occasionally vertically.”
Researchers Ray Boeche and Scott Colburn told of 17-eye-witnesses, along with official documents: “Many of the close witnesses to the events have expressed ongoing problems in dealing with what happened to them during that night…they are troubled by vivid nightmares of the events, and are fearful of government reprisals if their role in expressing these events were to become known,” they had seen a dark silver-colored metal object with rainbow-colored lights on it.
One curious aspect throughout the book, and seen in many other UFO Journals, is the “repeater phenomenon” where a person seemingly has continuous interaction with the phenomenon usually seen as craft flying in the air. I suppose, if UFOs are a real phenomenon, one is bound to see them often; however, some psychologists said it denotes falsity or a willingness to believe.
Warren and Robbins had continual sightings over the years — I’ve counted seven or more in the book—but realizing my personal bouts with nocturnal lights that may have turned out to be ’plain ole’ airplanes or helicopter lights,’ I could only speculate.
The interviews with witness Colonel Charles Halt proved interesting, yet very confusing, as tales of deception and accusation crept into the story. These things seemed inevitable the more time that passed and more players became involved. Ray Boeche, Jacques Vallee, and others poached the possibility that a “psychotropic experiment” was performed that night with the use of holograms. Halt felt that Warren was somehow duped, even if a craft was involved:
“…I think Larry Warren has been influenced, and I’ll leave it at that…it’s called disinformation…you’re being used…there’s something funny…”
Halt said that he saw documents showing Larry Warren had not finished his training till mid-January, while Warren said that his training ended December. Warren also said that he had his flight-assignment document as proof. Halt reiterated that Warren had been “meddled” with. Warren agreed that all parties may be part of “somebody’s science project.”
One of the curious and bewildering aspects of Ufology and Fortean phenomenon in general, was the odd (what the late psychologist C.G. Jung would call) “synchronicity” of the phenomenon. In many ways, the J. F. Kennedy assassination and flying saucers seemed to be strange bedmates. Other researchers, such as the late Ray Palmer and John Keel, noted the ‘meeting’ of players in both mysteries. Kenn Thomas of THE STEAMSHOVEL PRESS likewise noticed the connections:
About his new book JFK & UFO: MILITARY INDUSTRIAL CONSPIRACY AND COVER UP, Thomas said: “It focuses on the intertwining connections between the Para political world of assassinations and conspiracies, and the Ufological subculture, and how they work together even today.” (July 7, 2011, Greg Bishop) Thomas later credited Jorge Luis Borges for recognizing “the labyrinth,” and said that scientists Paul Kammerer and Albert Einstein indicated that synchronism was a “physics holding the world together.” (October 30, 2011.)
Synchronism happened in the Bentwaters case with the alignment of Gus Russo with Larry Warren. Russo was a chief ‘mystery player’ in the Kennedy scenario. His mention had been latched-upon by assassination investigator Jim Garrison and other parties. It was discovered that Russo suspiciously debunked most pro-conspiracy theories and even supported lone-assassin theories. This same Russo ‘buddied-up’ to Larry Warren.
www.ctka.net/russo.html. www.mtgriffith.com/web_documents/mss.html.
Part IV showed investigator Chuck Decaro ranting and raving nonsensically in a question and answer interview with Warren and Robbins much like the Madder Hatter in Alice’s Wonderland.
A later interview with Halt again reiterated his suspicion that Warren’s story seemed inconsistent. “It’s more than one thing,” insisted Halt, “the whole area is fraught with East End Charlie stories.”
On July 15, 1995, the late UFO analyst Budd Hopkins performed a classical “time regression” hypnotism of Larry Warren. Knowing “what dreams may come” in a typical Hopkins-style hypnotism, one almost shuddered as one began to read the session. Instead of aliens, however, Warren found himself reliving his descent into the aforementioned underground locale and seeing seven other people with him on his trip underground. He never finished the session. Apparently, Larry was abducted, but not by aliens in the normal sense, rather it was by a military presence.
Had anybody checked out auto license plate 2J1-6B?
The remainder of the book was decorated with news and mementos on the incident. Robbins located a UFO sighting by Airman David Dickerson in the summer of 1983 in Ford Keep. Dickerson knew Halt, Warren, and Greg Battram. The closing of the book carried Warren’s and Robbin’s speculation about CIA and government “destabilization.”
Following, in a further mysterious development, Sgt. Jim Penniston told the History Channel that when he had touched the Alien craft in Rendlesham Forest he was somehow given a download of info in the form of binary numbers, which he had recorded in 12 pages of his dairy.
Sketch Made by SSgt. Penniston of the Symbols He saw on the Side of the Object.
Another recent written statement came from Jim Penniston on the mysterious Rendlesham Forest Binary Code:
“The binary codes, were a direct result of contact with a physical craft; a craft of unknown origin. Meaning it was an unidentified craft and where it came from is still unknown.”
“The communication of binary codes was accomplished, when I physically touch the craft’s glyphs, which were located on the outside skin of the craft. It activated a technology which is unknown to me, and apparently to everyone else too. The technology then communicated a series of ones and zeros to me. The communication transfer was accomplished within minutes. There was an area of about fifteen feet which surrounded the outside of the craft. This area I will call the bubble: For within the bubble, static electric pulsed upon my clothes, skin, and hair; also an appearance of slowing of time. The air seemed dead, not transmitting any sound.”
The Binary Code
“…28 – 29, December, 1980…photographs and film were shot, and later classified. Witnesses were debriefed; later, some were meddled with by its members of the Intelligence Community, who played an opportunistic, or parasitic role, after the facts,” said Warren. “Purpose: unknown.”
Tactical teams from Germany had flown in on an unmarked C130 aircraft to check damage to the nuclear arsenal at Woodbridge.
Peter Robbins said that he felt the NSA (National Security Agency) also ran a psych-ops operation at Bentwaters: where reality ‘ends’ and mind control games by the government ‘begins’ is untested, said Robbins, or even unobtainable.
“I believe the craft and life-forms we saw in Rendlesham Forest were from another reality altogether,” said Warren. “This stuff doesn’t have to be from planet X, does it? The phenomena may originate closer then we think…It involved a number of vehicles and living beings, alien in every sense, that doesn’t reside in our concept of reality.”
The Warren Sighted Humanoids
Amongst stories, charges and counter-charges, the bedrock of Ufology to date contained hopeless solutions for those who grope with the mystified topic.
“A secret is still being kept at Bentwaters,” said Warren. “Our governments don’t want us to know what that secret is.”
“Nothing less than our right to the truth is at stake,” said Robbins.
Both UFO witnesses, Jim Penniston and John Burrough, had forged ahead with additional testimony that will hopefully clarify much of the confusion in a co-authored book by St. Martin’s Press:
“It is our belief that the Rendlesham Forest incident is a bigger and more significant UFO case than Roswell. It is our intention, in this book, to place into the public domain everything that we know about the extraordinary series of events that took place at Bentwaters and Woodbridge, both during the encounters themselves, and in the aftermath. While there have been previous books on the subject, they have been written by people in the UFO community. Now, the military personnel at the heart of this incident will finally have their say.
“This case has been devilled by misinformation, disinformation and by people wanting to write themselves into the story. We intend to set the record straight and tell the full story of these extraordinary events for the first time. We do so in order to reveal the truth about events that we believe are of immense historical significance and public interest. We also do so for the men and women stationed at Bentwaters and Woodbridge at the time, many of whom have suffered as a result of what happened. It is our hope that the publication of this book will lead to the wrongs they have suffered.”
(North American rights in Nick Pope’s Rendezvous at Rendlesham have been bought by St Martin’s Press for publication in 2013. The book draws on the exclusive testimony of two witnesses, John Burroughs and Jim Penniston, to the best documented of all UFO sightings – that at a USAF base in Suffolk in 1980.)
Part II
The Later Ongoing Conflicts
Readers can read the fairly recent version of this incident in Nick Pope’s Encounter In Rendlesham Forest, recounted at:
Artist Conception of UFO at Bentwaters
Unfortunately, or fortunately, as the case may be, the episode is not settled in the minds of various researchers and for multiple reasons.
There has arisen a legacy and syndrome of investigators that are dedicated to discovering various falsehood, inaccuracies and suspicions in a witness’ testimony. These researchers feel the following examples indicate reasons to doubt the story of Larry Warren, or, at least, cause suspicion:
Peter Robbins, co-author of the book, recently wrote an ‘Open Letter‘ discussing the mounting feuds and hard-feelings the two authors were developing over a period time. His comments are long and winding, but for the most part it has to do with Warren’s increasing bad temperament, and the seeming contradictions in some of Warren’s statements as discerned by Robbins. A fair of amount of Robbins’s concerns centered on suspected forgeries and “aside actions” by Warren with people outside of the Randlesham UFO case that Robbins felt justified expurgations. Warren had made claims of knowing celebrities and receiving special items from such celebrities as John Lennon and Stevie Ray Vaughan. Lennon’s girlfriend, May Pang, told Robbins that no such actions took place, and older brother Jimmy Vaughan said the details made about the guitar Warren said he possessed was not accurate as well. For a full listing of Robbins’s suspicions, one should read the ‘Open Letter.’

Co-author Peter Robbins
One of the more popular critics that had specialized in analysis of Warren’s claims is Sacha Christie, a self-described “Anti-pharmageddonist, ufologist, par-abnormal investigator.” Christie had developed a series of blogs dedicated to the suspicions in Warren’s claims, highlighting her talking to witnesses and tracing down who bought or was given what, when and where, particularly Stevie Ray Vaughan’s guitar. She also contested the origin of the an infamous “A10” UFO photograph taken on December 28, 1980 by Warren, giving her findings that (tracing it through conversations with Barry Greenwood, Larry Fawcett, Bruce Maccabee and a Paul Dean) it was a copy of Victor Nevada’s UFO photo of July 2, 2004. Her arguments were projected in approximately five or so blogs, of which three are no longer open on the Internet. First, we list the blogs that are still available and then list the ones that have become closed (apparently since September 25, 2017, when we viewed them).
http://sacha-christie-infomaniachousewife.blogspot.com/2017/01/larry-warrens-a10-ufo-photograph-is.html – (Open).
http://sacha-christie-infomaniachousewife.blogspot.com/2016/12/peter-robbins-splits-with-larry-warren.html – (Open).
No longer available:
http://sacha-christie-infomaniachousewife.blogspot.com/2016/05/left-out-at-east-gate-truth-about.html – (Unavailable).
http://sacha-christie-infomaniachousewife.blogspot.com/2017/05/larry-warrens-military-records-are.html – (Unavailable).
http://sacha-christie-infomaniachousewife.blogspot.com/2017/02/sacha-christie-and-alyson-dunlop.html – (Unavailable).
Perhaps, Christie’s chagrin can be seen in her September 5 2017 “farewell to ufology” message:
“This scene is a feeding frenzy. It’s ugly, soulless and cold. I want no part of it. I am going to paddle on trying to get my body in the best shape I can. I think I am doing well with my head and depressions…I think 50% of the time it’s caused by the crap I read anyway, or the people I come into contact with and their outrageous hate-filled behaviors.”
On June 13 2017, she said: “It is as ugly, contentious, and vicious as we’ve seen, if not more in the seventy years since the so-called Modern Age of UFOs came into being.”
Wikipedia summarized it this way: “Although UFOlogist Nick Pope, previously endorsed Warren’s story contained in his book Left at East Gate, He is now in agreement with some military personnel closely involved in the Rendlesham Forest incident, who have gone on record saying that they refuse to believe that Larry Warren was involved in it at all, especially with recent evidence. His account differs significantly from that of Lt. Col Charles I. Halt, the most senior witness, who actually states ‘(Warren) was not there.’ Other researchers and Larry Warren’s family dispute these claims. They allege that Warren has merely been targeted by a smear campaign motivated by purely personal issues and the supposed evidence against him is fabricated.”
In a blog commentary by Reddit.com (RRJA711) on or about August 22, 2015, researcher ‘ttpgopher‘ took the so-called ‘Code‘ to task in the blog titled “Does the Penniston ‘Binary Code‘ Story Harm the Rendelsham Forest UFO Report?”
“The whole Rendlesham forest story has holes everywhere – http://www.ianridpath.com/ufo/rendlesham1a.htm – worse than the binary codes saying Jim Penniston is on a private mission to save the world (are) the hand written base report statements at the time by everyone involved saying they, themselves, misidentified a beacon light, then a farm house light and ultimately the lighthouse before heading in for the night suitable embarrassed. Both Bourroughs and Cabansag said it was just farm house lights. But right from the start, Penniston was playing it up talking about lights in the distance..(nothing about a UFO – http://www.ianridpath.com/ufo/rendlesham2c.htm. The whole story is a farce and there (are) loads of evidence pointing to that on those links.
“Here is a ton of evidence backing up the lighthouse with videos of it still flashing clearly in the background the night a local film crew went out.
“I feel like Rendlesham has been sensationalized so much because its one of the few major UFO cases to be based outside America and documentaries were looking for something a bit more modern than Roswell.”
“BP” spoke on UFOlogist Kevin Randle’s blog, giving a fairly vivid summation of the case (April 20, 2017, 7:39 a.m.):
“Rendlesham, like Roswell, is no longer even interesting to me in the sense of “what really happened.” It is, however, fascinating as a Rorschach test of sorts: The desperate need to believe on the part of many. The desperate need to disbelieve on the part of others. The desperate need to be someone, to have one’s 15 minutes of celebrity, to cash in on the events.
“The bizarre way the supposed events inevitably spiral out of control and take on a life of their own, growing like Topsy. The unreliability of eyewitness testimony, the fallibility of memory, the little corners of insanity that exist in the minds of even people who are mostly sane and credible. Pseudo-science masquerading as science. Real science descending to the level of pseudo-science. Rendlesham and Roswell have it all.”
http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2017/04/x-zone-broadcast-network-john-burroughs.html. Sat. April 15, 2017
We can speculate as to why certain blogs disappear, perhaps for legal reasons, but Warren’s protagonists and defenders also had disappearing blogs. Still, one of his biggest proponents and defenders was a former police detective Gary Heseltine. The following are a few defending comments out of his remaining blogs:
“My own position is simple: I’ve seen no reason at all to denounce Larry as a fake UFO whistle-blower…but a heart of gold breaks beneath that volatile exterior.”
Gary Heseltine (on the right) and Larry Warren
Heseltine is quick to point out that “Larry Warren’s letter written to his mother January 7, 1981 (reported) a UFO sighting at the Base (and) predates the now famous Halt Memorandum,” a first ever written evidence of a Randlesham UFO.
The same sentiment was reported on earthmysterynews.com: “If it were not for Larry Warren this story would be unknown to the world as it was a nuclear-tampering case involving Extraterrestrials. Larry both provided the information needed for the FOIA documents and leaked the Halt Memo to the Press.” (Executive Editor Claude Limberger, May 11, 2017.)
You can view Heseltine’s comments and viewpoints on this matter at still available blogs (at least, until recently) at the following:
“It’s all been a steep learning curve for me, and this will of course not be the last installment in this series of articles,” said Heseltine. “There is more evidence currently being processed that I cannot reveal at this juncture. It’s frustrating because, as I said, I desperately want an end to this repulsive business; but Larry’s support team of experts are working as fast as they can. I am proud to have played an active role in defending my friend, the genuine UFO witness Larry Warren.
“I believe I have chosen the side of good in this battle,” Heseltine continued. “It would have been very easy for me to have simply walked away, stayed out of it for the sake of a quiet life. Larry’s antagonists are also very confident of victory, mistakenly I would say. When this is all over I think they’re going to be deeply disappointed. But there will be no gloating or vainglory from me; I promise. I’ll just be happy that we have all finally awoken from this nightmare.”
It was Gary Heseltine that received an honorary award in 2010 for his breaking news, who likewise similarly awarded Warren, and this was credited by Peter Robbins in an October comment: “Congratulations again on your award from Gary.”
In a May 1, 2017 interview on J.P. Robinson’s website, Warren repeats again some of the things that he has said in other interviews:
- (Deputy Base Commander) “Halt lies about me and other 81’s and also the events, and has done so for the last 35 years.”
- “It (the UFO incident) could either have been induced by spooks or it is what it is? Either way, we are screwed!…I believe it was orchestrated.”
- Warren said the UFO landing findings were confirmed by Matt Moniz of the Springborn Laboratories.
https://www.jp-robinson.com/single-post/20th-Anniversary-of-Left-At-East-Gate-Exclusive-interview-with-Larry-Warren. May 2, 2017 J.P. Robinson.
Larry Warren
A “Major Lori” gave other sentiments in the “Comments” section of the Robinson blog:
“We can poke holes about Larry’s story, reading LAEG I felt that Larry did a great job describing the events. As the creator of Rendlesham Lone Ranger UFO Sight on facebook, I know what it was like at Bentwaters/Woodbridge. In February 1980 when my sighting occurred at East Gate, I was deeply ridiculed, but I had to report it because it flew onto RAF Woodbridge across the runway. My point is that Larry’s story is good. I respect him a lot more than Nick Pope because I too thought for years that he worked at MOD during the events only to learn that he allows people to make assumptions. It would have been the honest thing to tell us that Nick was 15 in 1980.
“Because of his lack of disclosure, I have no use for Nick Pope. My respect goes to those who worked at the 81st Security Police Squadron and put up with a lot. For some, including me, there was a war you couldn’t see going on and those who rocked the boat were gone. I spent 27 years in the military and out of all my assignments that was the toughest. I do have a video on You Tube titled Mystery at East Gate. The story isn’t just those few nights in December…it is far more complicated.”
It was critic Sacha Christie that concluded that the Rendlesham Incident drew “good people who have come to increasingly demonize each other and allow hared, frustration and fear to rule their lives,” to which Gary Heseltine replied: “It seems to me that you are either the world’s worst judge of character…(about Christie) she is like a chameleon. She can be very complimentary and charming to people when she sees them as useful to her and then turn immediately into a caustic antagonist against those who resist her. She knows that her indoctrination will not work on me.” January 25, 2017, Wednesday.
A You Tube dated May 21, 2017, as an “on-site” adventure/interview conducted by Ben the jrreporter, appeared to be a forthright and vivid video, producing the following comments by Julian Carver:
“One of the reasons why Larry’s story stands up for me…is his attention to detail..almost photographic memory he seems to have. No way could this guy hold this story together for over 30 years if he was bull-shitting. Larry also doesn’t show any mental or signs of physical damage from addictions to substance abuse, as others claim about him. I’ve met plenty of bull-shitters in my time. None of them could ever hold a story together like Larry. I believe Larry is the real deal. Certain others including (Col..Halt) in this story are part of the cover-up, deliberately rubbishing Larry’s account.
“I think Col. Halt was instructed from Day One…he’s got to be the one that blurs the story between fact and fiction. People high up told Halt ‘you will keep a control on this story so that the facts remain nothing more than strange lights and beams in the sky.’”
Depiction of Descending UFO
Ironically, similarly, it was the, now dissenting, co-author Peter Robbins, himself, that saw UFOs at Bentwaters at a post-1980 visit (Jim Martin, Thursday, November 12, 2012):
“Left at Eastgate reveals the National Security Agency (NSA) as the main governmental entity behind the UFO cover-up, or, if you prefer, disinformation/collective fantasy/fairy tale. Peter Robbins soon found himself under the NSA’s open scrutiny and covert harassment when he got deeper into the research. He also found himself a up-close and personal witness to strange doings at Bentwaters, and finally was forced to struggle with the fact that he was no longer an ‘objective observer.’ One of the most memorable passages of the book is the transcript of an audio tape of Larry and Peter, on a return visit to the site many years later, as they see and describe what appear to be UFOs buzzing around near Bentwaters. Peter just falls apart: the composed and objective UFO researcher gets his chance at direct observation and the experience leaves him speechless and gibbering.”
Like many UFO stories and incidents to date, the Rendlesham case has gathered it share of counter-theories and debunking scenarios, some of which are as bizarre as the reported original story.
In a Jon Austin article of the September 12, 2017 express.co.uk blog, Russ Callaghan’s explanation of the 1980 Rendlesham UFO is divulged: The 67th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron (67th ARRS) were doing exercises utalising a recovered space capsule, and “the chopper pilot dropped he capsule into Rendlesham Forest” by accident.
Needless to say, other researchers questioned the theory because of the noise of the helicopter and the fact that there was no such military flight schedule at that time. Neither did the alleged ‘exercise’ fit the reported facts.
UFO Theorist Russ Callaghan
Rendlesham UFO contactee Jim Penniston, along with co-author Gary Osborn, are currently working on the completion of a new “tell all” book about Penniston’s experience at Bentwaters and Rendlesham. Hopefully, this next endeavor will clarify some suspicions and open concrete avenues for new and successful information.
Researcher Gary Osborn
“The book is progressing nicely and we are close to completion. We are committed and compelled to release the code-related discoveries to the public. People will have it all laid out in front of them. We are confident that this book will be well-received by all of the people who have studied and followed this unique event. The timing is appropriate – especially with all the disinformation that has been posted recently about the Rendlesham Incident on various misinformed groups and pages: the lies, the fabrications, the spin, suppositions as fact, also certain people trying to write themselves into the story, along with what certain people who were not there have also said had happened based on their personal views and beliefs.
“We are both willing to let the facts, evidence, and the discoveries stand on their own, and it is about time for everything to come out about the Rendlesham Incident. We will simply allow the public to decide for themselves on who was involved, what happened, how the cover story was initiated and accomplished, who committed fraud, who were the opportunists, and who was bought and paid for concerning those who were involved in the Rendlesham Forest Incident.”
Diagram From Penniston’s Notebook
Steve Erdmann can be reached through the editor of UFO Digest Magazine or at dissenterdisinter@yahoo.com – or – independenterdmann@gmail.com.
You can friend him at Facebook https://www.facebook.com/stephen.erdmann1 – or – visit the Dissenter/Disinter Group – at – https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/171577496293504/.
Artist Conception of Bentwaters UFO
The East Gate
Bunkers and Missile Silos Bentwaters Military Compound
Sketch Made by SSgt. Penniston of the Symbols He saw on the Side of the Object.
The Warren Sighted Humanoids
The Binary Code
Artist Conception of UFO at Bentwaters
Diagram From Penniston’s Notebook
Penniston’s Record of UFO Symbols
UFO Theorist Russ Callaghan
Gary Heseltine (on the right) and Larry Warren
Sacha Christie
Researcher Gary Osborn
Co-author Peter Robbins
Depiction of Descending UFO
Source: WordPresscom507
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