On the morning of October 23, my long-time source JP (a pseudonym) was once again instructed to look up into the sky by a nearby covert operative where he saw a rectangle platform shaped UFO. He used his camera phone to take five photos of the UFO. He then noticed that he had missing time and when he tried to recall what had happened, he had memory flashes of being inside the flying rectangle he had just photographed.
Here is the skype message I received from JP at 4:49 am Hawaii Time (10:49 am EDT):
9:30am 30 minutes lost time it was 10:08 when I get back in the same position where I was doing the pictures today. a white mini work van with two guys black baseball hats Black sunglasses… He pulled over in front of me and told me to look up and they left really fast like you can really hear the tires.. a platform ship really near it swooped up fast when it knew it got my attention… I was getting flashes on and off of me being inside of this ship , and looking down on the area where I was.. .. in these flashes of remember being cold really cold inside .. the guys told me to look up I saw the ship really close then I saw the guys leaving really fast and I saw the ship swoop up .. when they told me to look up it was like 9:30 I’m guessing when I was taking the pictures of the ship it was already 1005 1008 am I could still smell inside the ship it smelled similar when you have a lot of coins in your hands the copper smell.. copper, copper, copper. Beautiful ship amazing maneuvering. Cradling, it went back into the clouds…
What follows is a video featuring the five photos with zooms on the flying rectangle at its closest approach, which show some interesting features underneath it.
JP estimated that the length of the flying rectangle was about four school buses (about 40-50 yards/meters), and its width was one and a half school buses (about 15-20 meters/yards). He said that the distinct copper smell was likely related to its antigravity drive or some other aspect of its propulsion system.
JP recalls being inside of the flying rectangle where he was walking down a corridor with windows that he could see out of. He said outside the window it was completely black, and he got the impression that the rectangle was flying in space. He provided a rough sketch of the corridor showing some of the internal features of the craft.
In addition, JP says that he remembered being injected with something, presumably a mind control substance, so he would cooperate. He shared a photo of an inflamed reddish area of his upper forearm where he was injected.
He felt some dizziness but the effect quickly wore off, as did the reddish discoloration of the affected area.
Furthermore, JP said that the interior of the rectangle craft looked and smelled like a military vehicle.
Most importantly, he recalled a military patch worn by his abductors, which had a red dot and two wings. He first sketched the patch he witnessed, and passed on a copy to me. Hours later, after further mutual discussion, he found it online. The patch belongs to Air Force Special Operations.
The Air Force patch suggests that the occupants of the craft were part of a squadron of such vehicles operating out of the nearby MacDill Air Force base, Tampa, headquarters of the Special Operations Command, which provides the command structure for AF Special Operations.
It is rare for an experiencer/abductee to take photos of the craft that had abducted him/her. This is most often due to the effects of sedatives or mind control used on them. Yet in the case of JP, he was prodded to look in the sky by two operatives while still under the influence of the substance injected into him.
What this indicates is that the operatives are part of an officially sanctioned covert program run by USAF Special Operations, which is helping JP photograph the flying rectangle craft, and recall his abduction experience on it. JP believes that the operatives came from MacDill Air Force Base, which is very close to where he lives, and where the photos were taken.
JP has previously described being befriended by a special forces serviceman from MacDill telling him about covert operations involving flying triangles, one of which he pilots as part of a secret squadron. JP has previously spoken about being taken on these craft, of which he has provided a number of photos.
The flying rectangle platform craft is a new type of antigravity vehicle witnessed by JP. It nevertheless is clear that senior officials at AF Special Operations and Special Operations Command, want to disclose to the general public that they possess such vehicles, which have been secretly deployed in one or more highly classified squadrons.
Flying rectangle sightings have been rare, but do exist. There was a sighting in Texas in October 2012 that was reported to MUFON. Here is what was reported:
Another flying rectangle was reported to MUFON on March 30, 2016 at Seattle, Washington. A further sighting occurred at Oroville, California on April 15, 2017, which was again reported to MUFON. Most recently, on October 16, 2017, a rectangle shaped UFO was witnessed over the Tampa Bay region heading out to the Gulf of Mexico, according to another MUFON report.
What needs to be pointed out is that in the four sightings of flying rectangles witnessed, none of the vehicles were photographed. The earliest known photo of a rectangle UFO was taken in August 1987.

Alleged rectangular UFO photo taken in Federal Heights, Colorado. (Credit: OpenMinds.tv Photo Archives)
Lending further significance to JP’s photos is that his related military abduction experience aboard the craft he photographed, clearly suggests that these flying rectangles have been covertly deployed in squadrons which are fully operational, and are operated by USAF Special Operations in space.
According to Secret Space Program insider, Corey Goode, the rectangle craft are actually weapons platforms whose genesis he explains as follows:
I think similar platforms or UFOs have been reported in the 80s and 90s as they were first building out of these platforms that have modular weapons and personnel delivery systems or configurations. They were built up on that superstructure type frame along time ago and they been on improved upon sense but these are pretty old technologies both the TR 3B and the square platform… It’s crazy all of this is happening not six months after I announced on Cosmic Disclosure.
Based on the circumstances surrounding his abduction and being prompted by covert operatives to look at the sky, it can be concluded that the rectangle platforms photographed by JP are part of a USAF run Secret Space Program, which are deployed out of MacDill Air Force Base. The disclosure of these fully operational space based weapons platforms, appears to have been sanctioned by senior officials from USAF Special Operations and Special Operations Command.
Source: Exopolitics
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